GRANT FOCUS: Education, K-12, Literacy, Reading, Learning, School
Amount: Up to $1,000
Deadline: Nov. 30, 2019
“[The grants program] lets K-12 teachers in California, Nevada, New York, Tennessee, Georgia, Minnesota and Washington, D.C., fund classroom projects that aim to foster creativity and critical thinking in students. Grants may be used to purchase books, videos, CDs, DVDs, computer software and hardware, and any other educational resources to be owned, used and distributed to a K-12 school…”
Funder: City National Bank
Eligibility: “Teachers, librarians, school media specialists and administrators may apply if they work full-time at K-12 schools… The school principal or administrator must understand and fully support the project, as evidenced by signing the statement of support on the application form and final grant agreement.”
Contact: Link.
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