Lilly Endowment Inc.
2801 N. Meridian St.
P.O. Box 88068
Indianapolis, IN 46208
(317) 924-5471
All organizations are located in Indianapolis unless otherwise noted.
• Indiana Sports Corp., $500,000 for youth activities and rent relief for sports-governing bodies.
• Bicycle Action Project, $140,000 for general support.
• Center for Leadership Development, $250,000 for general support.
• Indiana Blind Children’s Foundation, $1,999,795 for technology-based programs for student learning.
• Lutheran Child and Family Services of Indiana, $45,000 for public relations development.
• Marion County Commission on Youth, $200,000 for study and planning related to the Marion County Child Welfare System.
• Marion County Commission on Youth, $150,000 for general support.
• National Federation of State High School Associations, $50,000 for the 2003 Student Leadership Conference.
• Search Institute, Minneapolis, $200,000 to disseminate youth development research and best practices.
Jessie Ball Dupont Fund
First Union Bank Tower
225 Water Street, Suite 1200
Jacksonville, FL 32202
(904) 353-0890
• Archdiocese of Miami, Miami Shores, Fla., $140,000 for equipment and start-up for a child care facility.
• Baptist Health, Jacksonville, Fla., $80,232 for an adolescent mentoring and job training program.
• National Council on Crime and Delinquency, Oakland, Calif., $66,000 to assess teen victimization issues and develop responses.
• Children’s Home Society, Winter Park, Fla., $44,000 to educate policy-makers and the community about the implication of reduced funding for children’s services.
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
College Road East
Princeton, NJ 08543
(609) 452-8701
The following grants are for the Covering Kids and Families program unless otherwise indicated.
• State of Georgia Department of Community Health, Atlanta, $1 million.
• Maine Ambulatory Care Coalition, Augusta, $200,000.
• Washington Health Foundation, Seattle, $150,000.
• Rhode Island KIDS COUNT, Providence, $899,998.
• State of Nevada Department of Human Resources, Carson City, $800,000.
• Missouri Coalition for Primary Health Care, Jefferson City, $800,000.
• State of Mississippi Office of the Governor, Jackson, $900,000.
• Agenda for Children, New Orleans, $995,053.
• Legal Action Center of the City of New York, $300,000 for improving policy effectiveness of substance abuse treatment and prevention programs.
• University of Rhode Island Cancer Prevention Research Center, Kingston, $300,000 for improving prevention and treatment program for alcohol and tobacco use.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
P.O. Box 23350
Seattle, WA 98102
(206) 709-3100
• Big Picture Company, Providence, R.I., $1.9 million for general support.
• Black Alliance of Educational Options, Washington, $4 million to create 15 new high schools.
• The Commonwealth Corp. Center for Youth Development, Boston, $4.5 million to develop and create high schools.
• Communities in Schools, Atlanta, $6.3 million to create 25 new high schools.
• National Association of Street Schools, Denver, $1.1 million to transform 20 existing schools and create 10 new high schools.
• National League of Cities, Washington, $2.29 million to develop leadership support for developing alternative high schools in communities around the country.
• Portland Community College, Oregon, $4.85 million to create eight new high schools.
• The See Forever Foundation and Maya Angelou Public Charter School, Washington, $887,500 to transform one school and create three new schools.
• YouthBuild USA, Cambridge, Mass., $5.4 million to transform 23 existing high schools and create 10 new schools.
Robert Sterling Clark Foundation
135 E. 64th St.
New York, NY 10021
(212) 288-8900
• Sex Information and Education Council of the United States, New York, $65,000 for general support.
• Community Funds, New York, $100,000 for grants to support advocacy and policy analysis aimed at improving New York City public schools.
• Christian Community, Fort Wayne, Ind., $35,000 to train pro-choice religious leaders to educate policy-makers and the press about religious support for comprehensive sexuality education.
David and Lucile Packard Foundation
300 2nd St., Ste. 200
Los Altos, CA 94022
(650) 948-7658
• National Center for Children in Poverty, New York, $167,000 for the LIFT campaign.
• National Initiative for Children’s Healthcare Quality, Boston, $1,150,000 for general support.
• National Women’s Law Center, Washington, $300,000 for the Child Care Project.
• YMCA of Santa Clara Valley, San Jose, Calif., $300,000 for The Cornerstone Project.
• American Public Human Services Association, Washington, $48,099 to support regional forums on domestic violence and child maltreatment.
• Girls Club of the Mid-Peninsula, East Palo Alto, Calif., $50,000 for after-school and summer programs.
• Center for Community Change, Washington, $175,000 to support a grass-roots campaign to lift poor families out of poverty.
• Children’s Placement Service, Santa Cruz, Calif., $132,860 for transitional housing for teens in foster care.
• The San Francisco Protestant Orphanage, San Francisco, $150,000 for services for maltreated children living with relatives.
• Familia Center, Santa Cruz, Calif., for after-school and summer programs.
• Tides Center, San Francisco, $25,000 for the Youth United for Community Action program.
• Food Research & Action Center, Washington, $200,000 to expand the subsidized child nutrition program.
• John Gardner Center for Youth and Their Communities, Stanford, Calif., $250,000 for general support.
• Action Alliance for Children, Oakland, Calif., $49,965 for the Building Communication project.
• Center for Collaborative Solutions, Sacramento, $350,000 for after-school programs.
• Consumers Union of the United States, Yonkers, N.Y., $300,000 for the Healthy Kids, Healthy Schools project.
• National Immigrant League, Los Angeles, $400,000 for analysis and training on issues affecting immigrant children.
• Bay Area Partnership, San Francisco, $75,000 for after-school programs.
• Families USA Foundation, Washington, $50,000 for a report on health coverage losses among low-income children.
• California School Age Consortium, San Francisco, $125,000 for the Impact Quality tool kit for after-school programs,
• National School-Age Care Alliance, Boston, $150,000 for producing and distributing the Impact Quality tool kit.
• Clara-Mateo Alliance, Menlo Park, Calif., $170,000 for services for homeless families with children.
• University of Iowa, Iowa City, $128,773 to provide assistance to professionals working with low-income youth.
• American Indian Child Resource Center, Oakland, Calif., $50,000 to recruit American Indian foster families within Santa Clara County.
• San Francisco Foundation Community Initiative Funds, $500,000 for the Civic Engagement Project.
• Community Network for Youth Development, San Francisco, $10,000 for publication of a youth development guide.
• Impact Strategies, Washington, $50,000 for technical assistance for after-school programs.
• Wellesley College, Wellesley, Mass., $25,000 to disseminate a plan to build skilled and stable after-school work forces.
• Boys & Girls Clubs of America, Atlanta, $151,821 to establish four Project Learn sites.
• Catholic Charities Diocese of Monterey, Seaside, Calif., $185,000 for a faith-based foster parent recruitment and training initiative.
• Catholic Charities of San Jose, Calif., $75,000 for the Grandparent Caregiver Resource Center.
• Center for Health Policy Development, Portland, Ore., $399,961 for the State Children’s Health Insurance Program Implementation Center.
• Child Care Law Center, San Francisco, $305,000 for general support.
• Peninsula Community Foundation, San Mateo, $700,000 for the San Mateo County Children’s Health Initiative.
• Santa Cruz County Children and Families Commission, Capitola, Calif., $100,000 to implement a computer tracking system in Proposition 10-funded family resource centers.
• Institute for Health Policy Solutions, Washington, $619,935 for development of county child and family health insurance expansion.
• Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, $35,000 for a plan to change social norms regarding gun ownership by parents.
• Connect for Kids, Washington, $200,000 for an initiative to improve child and family policy through reauthorization of welfare reform.
• County of Santa Clara, San Jose, Calif., $247,220 to support strategies addressing permanency planning needs for children in out-of-home care.
• George Washington University, Washington, $250,000 for an education program on children’s health insurance.
• ICF Consulting Group, Fairfax, Va., $174,898 for an evaluation of welfare reform-related activities.
• Research Triangle Institute, Research Triangle Park, N.C., $120,883 for research to identify how different program features affect children in public health insurance programs.
• University of California, Berkeley, $100,000 to complete a pilot study of the child care work force.
• University of Rochester, Rochester, N.Y., $167,814 for research to identify how different program features affect children in public health insurance programs.
• California Children and Families Foundation, Richmond, Calif., $800,000 for general support.
• The Center for the Child Care Workforce, Washington, $200,000 for general support.
• Mathematica Policy Research, Cambridge, Mass., $1,084,692 for an evaluation of the Santa Clara County Children’s Health Initiative.
• Urban Institute, Washington, $250,000 to study the effects of child care subsidies on child care providers’ willingness to serve subsidized families.