Explore & Download These Resources
Fresh Facilitation Tips
This handout provides some fresh new tips on facilitating youth worker training and professional development sessions, for example, using recyclables to create an object that represents staffs hopes for the new year. Activities can also be used with youth.
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Theory of Action in Practice
A document by Foundations, Inc. describes the use of a theory of change and a theory of action to help address questions about how to develop and evaluate professional development for after school staff.
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Leading the Way to a Successful Professional Learning Community.
Developed by Public Profit, this guide provides practical advice to help organizations make informed decisions about implementing or participating in a professional learning community (PLC).
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Afterschool Academies: Guidebook for Action
This guidebook provides a comprehensive approach to designing long-term intensive training for youth staff as well as reproducible materials and handouts.
Afterschool Professional Development Resources, Outcomes, and Considerations
A guide to help understand the range of types of professional development formats, purposes, and intended outcomes.
Core Knowledge and Competencies Self-Assessment Tool
Developed by the National Institute on Out of School Time, this Core Knowledge and Competencies Self-Assessment Tool was designed to help group leaders, youth workers, or other youth development professional assess their level of knowledge and skills in each of ten content areas and to identify specific areas of need for future professional development.
Good Practices in Designing Professional Development and Technical Assistance
A handout from a seasoned professional development specialist, that lays out a range of good practices in designing professional development.
Professional Development Planning
A handout that can be used as a first step toward identifying skills and needs of individual staff. The tool should be completed during an individual meeting with a staff person, and then provides guidance on the training needs of a cohort of staff.
Promising Practices for Out-Of-School Time Professional Development Workshops
A tipsheet developed by the Out-of-School Time Resource Center at the University of Pennsylvania on promising practices in designing professional development.