Nestled among nondescript warehouses and infamous streets, Inner-City Arts in Downtown Los Angeles’ Skid Row is an oasis for artistic growth and...
Esther Henry can’t forget that horrible night in 2012. Something had happened downstairs in the hallway of her Bronx apartment building —...
In the months leading up to the presidential election, Guillermo and his friends at Oakland International High School had a running joke.
American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten opposed the confirmation of Betsy DeVos as secretary of education, calling for a renewed...
Candidate Donald Trump offered little insight into his prospective policies surrounding youth and families, and President-Elect Trump has not provided any...
In its final report, the White House Council for Community Solutions cites a statistic worth noting: 6.7 million young adults (aged 16...
Asphalt oozes up between blades of grass in Hancock Park in downtown Los Angeles. A visit to the 23-acre park and La...
Romi Hemphill was in the sixth grade when she got her first taste civic leadership through the Wyman Center’s Teen Outreach Program.
Media literacy is “more than urgent” says Erin McNeill, founder and president of the three-year-old nonprofit, Media Literacy Now, “in the current...
The National Collaboration for Youth (NCY) makes the case for establishing a comprehensive community-based continuum of care for youth involved in the...
At the end of the year, Barnes & Noble in the Bronx will close, leaving a borough of more than 1.4 million...
Two years ago, 18-year-old Josue left Guatemala, a country with one of the highest crime rates in Central America, and set out...
This new report from Human Rights Watch uses data and information gained from interviews with over 500 students, teachers, administrators, parents, service...
The Inspector General at the Corporation for National and Community Service urges officials to scrutinize the size and scope of the National...
A group of 16-to 23-year-olds divided into five teams to create socially conscious technology — one group's smartphone app involved sexual harassment,...
Barry Krisberg has been advocating for progressive reform in the child welfare and juvenile justice systems since the late 1960s. He has...
Storytelling makes a difference for a youth organization, building capacity by going beyond data or too-brief, one-dimensional stories to engage audience’s emotions.
New data in a recent Health and Human Services report shows both that the number of youth in the foster care system...
On a cold, rainy early spring night in 2014, I attended the private meeting of a tragic club nobody wants to join....
Despite some progress, schools are still a hostile environment for many gay and transgender youth in the U.S., according to a new...