The Illinois Mental Health Opportunities for Youth Diversion Task Force authored this report which demonstrates the mental health issues of youth involved...
Wisconsin HOPE Lab discusses the worrying results of a national survey of more than 20,000 college students that found the problems of...
The Equality of Opportunity Project released this report discussing the latest data from the U.S. Census Bureau about the persistent and massive...
The Annie E. Casey Foundation takes a look at the most important recent policy and practice changes regarding noncitizen youth in the...
Author(s): The Urban Institute – Student Transportation Working Group Published: Mar. 14, 2018 Report Intro/Brief: “How to get to school is an...
The Center for Law and Social Policy documents mental and physical harm that our nation's youngest children are experiencing due to the...
The Vera Institute of Justice provides a comprehensive, up-to-date snapshot of where the nation stands in current efforts at reforming the many...
This new report from the Center for American Progress highlights the shortage of Latinx teachers in American schools relative to the student...
The Southern Poverty Law Center produced this report showing how youth incarcerated in Florida's jails miss out on education during their formative...
This new report from the seven southern education organizations which make up the Columbia Group demonstrates a new path to the improvement...
The Administration for Children and Families' Children's Bureau produced this report using data from 2016 to present and summarize the child abuse...
This new report published by the Alliance for Strong Families and Communities and the American Public Human Services Association (APHSA) demonstrates the...
The 22nd edition of Education Week's Quality Counts report comprehensively ranks every state's school system, giving every state a letter grade from...
The Annie E. Casey Foundation describes the education and employment barriers many foster youth face when leaving foster care and makes recommendations...
This new report from the Pittsburgh Foundation uses data gathered from a comprehensive survey of youth in Allegheny County to paint a...
The Association of American Universities and the Research Corporation for Science Advancement published this report bringing together several case studies documenting current...
This new report from Human Rights Watch uses data and information gained from interviews with over 500 students, teachers, administrators, parents, service...
This report from the International Labour Organization provides a comprehensive look at current employment statistics for youth worldwide and discusses the trends...
UNICEF's latest State of the World's Children report makes the case for aggressive action to help the world's hundreds of millions of...
This new report from ChildTrends sheds light on the often-undiscussed result of mass incarceration; how it affects the children of those in...