Foundations and The After-School Corporation Youth need high-quality out-of-school time (OST) programs with staffs that are well-trained and better educated staff...
Chapin Hall The number of children who will age out of foster care will begin to decline and eventually level off...
U.S. Administration on Children, Youth and Families This latest annual government report documenting child maltreatment figures shows a continued decline in...
Youth Development Institute (YDI) This report serves as a guide for forming partnerships between community-based organizations and colleges that want to...
Southern Regional Education Board Amid growing concern over lackluster college completion rates in the United States, this report takes a look...
Princeton University and the Brookings Institution This selection among nine articles in this latest publication of The Future of Children...
Annals of Family Medicine This report examines the relationship between parents’ health care coverage and the coverage, or lack thereof, of...
Urban Institute This is an evaluation of the Serious and Violent Offender Reentry Initiative (SVORI), which since 2003 has funded 69...
Child Trends This report categorizes the prevalence of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) among 18- to 26-year-olds and also provides insight into...
U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Mothers who smoke cigarettes and/or have had a major depressive episode (MDE) in...
American Academy of Pediatrics While there was already evidence of a correlation between the onset of nicotine dependence symptoms and long-term...
Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs Parents who allow their children to view R-rated movies are increasing the likelihood that...
Richard A. Settersten Jr. and Barbara Ray; The Future of Children This report takes a look at what its researchers call...
Southern Regional Education Board (SREB) Amid growing concern over lackluster college completion rates in the United States, this report takes a look...
This is the fifth-year report of an evaluation of Prime Time Palm Beach County, an intermediary whose role is to improve...
This report is one in a series that addresses federal spending on children, broken down into three age groups: infants and...
This report frames the immigration policy debate as a child welfare issue, outlining various ways children and their families are affected...
This report supports “benchmarking” as a way for community colleges to measure how well they are making sure the students who...
This brief outlines key themes and guidelines based on several Mathematica studies of faith-based and community organizations and initiatives, which have...
Millennials, or Generation Y, represent a growing population of donors in the nonprofit field. This report examines the giving, volunteering and...