The Council of the Great City Schools The council, for the first time, tried to measure exactly the extent of challenges facing...
Data from the Justice Department’s long-term Pathways to Desistance study do not establish a causal link between serious juvenile offending and substance...
Pediatrics A study based on The National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health found that homosexual adolescents were at higher risk of getting...
Center for American Progress This paper shows that despite the recently highly publicized suicides of gay teens, their deaths do not mark...
Pediatrics A study based on The National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health found that homosexual adolescents were at higher risk of getting...
A new federal report is the latest measurement of the American high dropout picture, this one quantifying not just rates of ninth...
The Bureau of Justice Statistics and the National Center for Educational Statistics collaborated on this report, which breaks down crime in and...
Tuition at public and private universities tend to rise when states increase the amount of need-based financial aid that they will make...
One out of every six adolescents (ages 12 to 19) is overweight, according to a November report of youth obesity statistics by...
Only 22 percent of first-time, full-time students at for-profit schools received their degree within six years, compared to 55 percent of similar...
The Federal Advisory Committee on Juvenile Justice, which represents the interests of state advisory groups, issued its 2010 Annual Report this week....
The National Council of La Raza looks at 12 issues around childhood obesity and family nutrition in the Latino community. Among the...
The Council of Great City Schools conducted an in-depth analysis of data from the National Assessment of Educational Progress, and in this...
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services issued this strategic plan aimed to control tobacco use. The plan entails accelerating research...
The Justice Department’s main funder of domestic justice programs released 8,.200 grants totaling more than $5.6 billion in fiscal 2009, according to...
It is impossible to measure the effect of Weed and Seed initiatives, but areas targeted by the project have seen overall decreases...
Civic Pathways Out of Poverty and Into OpportunityPhilanthropy for Active Civic Engagement (PACE) The majority of children living in poverty are of...
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation funded the National League of Cities to work with five cities (Corpus Christi, Texas; Hartford, Conn.;...
A quick summary of how online learning, mostly in career and technical education, can be used to improve academic and employability skills....
Educators can adapt many of the best practices the military applies to instruct secondary students enrolled in a cross-section of programs, including...