When Tyquan Ruffen looks back at his life he sees a patchwork of places he’s lived. Italian Home, Knights Children Center, Harrington...
Eighteen-year-old Christopher Frierson is sitting tall and riding high. In one weekend in spring 2019, he competed in an English-saddle horse show,...
The National Mentoring Resource Center recently published this comprehensive review of the most effective mentoring practices for the prevention and reduction of...
Youth Villages recently named Jessica Foster as its new chief strategy officer. The appointment is a promotion from within, as Foster has...
On one Thursday in March, James Dobbins was towering over a group of teen boys as they all headed to a community...
The Bureau of Justice statistics releases the most current figures on youth-reported instances of sexual victimization during incarceration at juvenile detention facilities...
A new brief from the Urban Institute discusses student loan borrowers who hold the debt for multiple decades into adulthood, affecting their...
Jolene Martinez of Las Cruces couldn’t be more thrilled to be an adoptive parent to a second foster child, who she adopted...
Jordan, a teenaged foster youth, has lost count of all the places she’s lived in the state, including the streets of New...
It's November 2019, and the hysteria from the emergency meeting in 2013 is still palpable for Yasmin Haque. After then-New Mexico Gov....
Annie Rasquin believes in difficult conversations with her staff and volunteers, especially when the complex needs of a foster youth require immediate...
People in southeast New Mexico find it hard to live with the oil boom, but folks across the state can’t live without...
At a community meeting in Minneapolis in May, students from Juxtaposition Arts, a Minneapolis youth-oriented art center, showed a game they had...
Earlier this year, Irina Barrera began making plans to represent her organization, Youthprise, at a national conference on expanded learning. Youthprise is...
The Congressional Black Caucus releases a troubling report quantifying and discussing the recent sharp rise in suicide rates among black youth, a...
The Center for Sustainable Journalism is covering how communities target gun violence through 2020. This video summarizes some of our coverage from...
Nineteen years ago, a panel of experts spent two years assessing the major research on teaching kids to read. Once and for...
Is your out-of-school time program in a good position to offer reading support to young kids? How can you ensure that your...
More than a decade ago, Barbara Hammond and Liz Woody Remington were desperate. The two mothers in Vero Beach, Fla., didn’t know...
Figuring out what to measure and how to measure it is the 21st century question. Technology allows for vast data gathering and...