A new analysis from Child Trends looks at the high school class of 2013, painting a vivid description of the nation’s most...
California has become the first state in the nation to make school systems accountable for foster children’s educational outcomes. An addendum...
Four years ago, a valued long-time staff member walked into Dr. Ginny Sprang’s office and announced suddenly that she was quitting. The...
National Child Traumatic Stress Network – nctsn.org This collaborative of organizations and individuals has a workgroup on secondary traumatic stress, and several...
Avoiding or dealing with secondary traumatic stress requires action by both individual professionals and organizations as a whole: Engage in self care....
AmeriCorps volunteers leave the State and National program and the NCCC feeling more connected to their communities, more likely to vote, to...
Photo by Jan Banning A lot seems to have changed over the last four years. At first, things, momentarily, appear a lot better...
Kenneth Braswell, executive director of Fathers Incorporated, recalled an event when his daughter was in the second grade. While playing at school...
WASHINGTON, D.C.—Many young people are growing up today in homes with same sex parents. Research shows these young people fare as...
At 20 years old, AmeriCorps is the same age as many of its volunteers. And like any young adult, it is trying...
Regarding the concept of mandatory youth service, Richard Manning and David Battey are on opposite ends of the spectrum. “I love the...
The United States Department of Justice (DOJ) announced Monday it will comply with a U.S. District Judge’s order to allow sale of...
NEW YORK — Peter Carroll’s first love almost cost him his family and his home when he was just a 14-year old...
A report released last week by the Tennessee Commission on Children and Youth (TCCY) calls for the state’s Department of Children’s Services...
WASHINGTON, D.C.–Six months ago, the Goodwill of Greater Washington started a program to help employees overcome barriers such as lack of child...
New York City’s Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DHMD) recently released a new smartphone app, intended to help teens locate clinics...
WASHINGTON, D.C.—Traveling from Orlando, Fla., Donna Bozarth, a mother, grandmother and board member for the U.S. Dream Academy was one of...
Last year, 50 young people representing various Reading, Penn., nonprofits created public service announcements with the help of the Haydenfilms Institute (HFI)...