Kindergarten lays the groundwork for “number sense" and understanding relationships between number and quantity.
One psychologist accused smartphones of “destroying a generation” of kids but there's no consensus.
In medical-legal partnerships, health and law professionals team up to address health-harming legal needs.
Among LGBTQ+ youth there are elevated suicide risks and lack of mental healthcare access.
Annually, hundreds of millions in child support payments is seized to "pay back" welfare.
Why incorporate touch into literacy activities in a world so reliant on digital tools?
May 1 — Encampments and protests: Washington, D.C.; New York; Atlanta; and Los Angeles.
In juvenile courts judges have the discretion to allow polygraph test results as evidence.
Two days after new Title IX rules were published, 15 states announced they're suing.
Most students at colleges that close give up on their educations altogether.
A report serves as a roadmap for full-service community schools to properly utilize data.
Parents pushed for funding child-care, establishing paid family leave, and expanding child tax credits.
Ali Knight succeeds co-founder and 20-year CEO Margaret Hall on May 20, 2024.
Thousands of high school seniors were unable to complete the federal aid application.
Three of the 10 states with the highest completion rates have mandatory FAFSA policies.
Universal design views everyone’s needs for access as equally important, regardless of their limitations.
It aimed to empower an independent agency to require changes when standards were violated.
The #1 lesson learned? Not all tutoring is equal. What are the other five?
A new report discusses three different approaches to sustain new, successful tutoring initiatives.
The federal work-study program could bring thousands of tutors into the nation’s schools.