Herbert J. Walberg
Cato Institute
133 pages. $9.95.
Inspired by his work at the National Center on School Choice at Vanderbilt University, Walberg cites rigorous research to assess how school choice affects the achievements of American K-12 students. Considering standardized achievement tests alone, he finds modest improvement in test performances of charter and voucher students compared with students in traditional public schools. He also describes school choice movements in countries that surpass American student achievement.
Vowing to “set aside philosophical controversies,” Walberg lets figures speak for themselves. Yet “the massive resistance from educators” to No Child Left Behind cannot be explained without educational philosophy. Walberg fails to cover the full scope of the issue. The charter and other experimental schools profiled below in Time to Learn fill in some of the blanks. (800) 462-6420, http://www.nbnbooks.com.