
Alaska youth summer camp support grants

OUR GRANT OPPORTUNITIES: Youth Today’s grant listings are carefully curated for our subscribers working in youth-related industries. Subscribers will find local, state, regional and national grant opportunities.

THIS GRANT’S FOCUS: Youth Summer Programs, Out-of-School Time, Summer Camps, Youth Development, Alaska
Feb. 29, 2024

“The Alaska Community Foundation has partnered with Rasmuson Foundation, Mat-Su Health Foundation, and the George and Stephanie Suddock Foundation to provide support to summer camps across Alaska. Summer camps are a rite of passage for Alaskan youth and essential childcare infrastructure for Alaskan families. The Camp Initiative supports summer enrichment programming for Alaskan youth, including both overnight and day camps. These funds are not intended to support early childhood education or summer programming for year-round childcare providers. Camp capital needs are not eligible for this grant program.

The Camp Initiative prioritizes funding for organizations that are addressing the following key issues:

  1. Capacity to Implement: Does the organization demonstrate that it can implement this camp (or these camps) safely and responsibly?
  2. Reach & Impact: To what extent will the proposal reduce financial barriers, increase the quantity of young people with access to camp experiences or improve the quality of camp experiences?
  3. Equitable Access to Diverse Camp Experiences Statewide: To what extent will this proposal contribute to ensuring youth statewide have equitable access to a diverse range of camp experiences?

Key Considerations: (1) Capacity to Implement; (2) Reach & Impact; (3) Equitable Access to Diverse Camp Experiences Statewide.”

Funder: The Alaska Community Foundation
“Your organization is eligible for funding through this grant opportunity if it is one of the following: [1] 501(c)3 public charitable organization with 509(a)(1), 509(a)(2), or 509(a)(3) public charitable status as designated in your IRS Determination letter (including qualified faith-based organizations); [2] Faith-based organization providing social services to the broader community; [3] Federally-recognized Tribes or Tribal nonprofit organizations, [4] City governments or Boroughs; [5] K-12 Schools”
Amount: Up to $45,000
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