OUR GRANT OPPORTUNITIES: Youth Today’s grant listings are carefully curated for our subscribers working in youth-related industries. Subscribers will find local, state, regional and national grant opportunities.
THIS GRANT’S FOCUS: Civic Engagement, Youth Development, Youth Services, Youth Voting, Volunteering
Deadline: Mar. 27, 2020
“Funded by the Corporation for National and Community Service, YSA’s Youth Service Zone grants offer organizations and schools an opportunity to work collaboratively to increase the youth volunteer rates in their community.
Each zone will receive a grant of $15,000 ($5,000 to each of the three collaborative leaders) to support program activities. Applicants may work locally (city, county, school district), regionally, or statewide, and must be based in the United States. The geographic area of each proposed Zone should include at least 100,000 residents. We expect to award 5 grants to statewide Zones and 5 grants to local or regional zones (city, metro area, county, school district, etc.).
Each collaborative will set a shared goal of increasing the youth volunteer rate in their community or state above the rate from the most recent Volunteering in America report (or comparable report) by:
- Asking youth to serve and connecting them to organizations with service programs and to specific volunteer opportunities through caring adults or peer leaders
- Providing training to adults about how to effectively engage youth as volunteers and to youth develop the leadership skills to organize their own service projects that create opportunities for themselves and their peers;
- Creating a plan to identify and address barriers to youth volunteering in the community, including transportation, legal/liability, access, issues; and
- Developing marketing and outreach to reach youth who are disengaged.”
Funder: The Corporation for National and Community Service and Youth Service America
Eligibility: “Each collaborative applying will be required to have 3 organizations of different types from the following options committed to leading this initiative. | At a city/county level: (1) School district/LEA, (2) Youth development collaborative, (3) Citywide afterschool or mentoring program, (4) Volunteer center or United Way, (5) Mayor’s office/Chief Service Officer, (6) local higher education consortium. | At the state level: (1) State education agency, (2) State afterschool network, (3) State mentoring network, (4) High school activity league, (5) Statewide nonprofit association, (6) State service commission, (7) State Campus Compact. | Other types of tax-exempt organizations can serve as collaborative leaders, but the types above are preferred.”
Amount: $15,000 ($5,000 to each of the three collaborative leaders)
Contact: Link.
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