Subject: Family Support, Child Welfare, Youth Development
Deadline: Mar. 3, 2016
“The initiative will provide funding to support the successful transition for young fathers and mothers as they return to their families and communities from detention, out-of-home placement or incarceration. This program will fund coordinated and comprehensive strategies that incorporate (1) mentoring and transitional reentry services proven to reduce recidivism; (2) effective parenting skills development and parent/child relationship engagement for young fathers or mothers; and (3) private and community service partnerships that promote public safety and support added positive outcomes for young parents and their children.”
Funder: Office of Juvenile Justice Delinquency Prevention
Eligibility: “Young Fathers and Their Children Eligible applicants are limited to nonprofit organizations (including faith-based, tribal, and community nonprofit organizations) and federally recognized Indian tribes, as determined by the Secretary of the Interior, to provide comprehensive reentry support services, including mentoring, that will help justice-involved young fathers reintegrate into their communities and that address the purpose and goals listed in this solicitation. Young Mothers and Their Children Eligible applicants are limited to nonprofit organizations (including faith-based, tribal, and community nonprofit organizations) and federally recognized Indian tribes, as determined by the Secretary of the Interior, to provide comprehensive reentry support services, including mentoring, that will help justice-involved young mothers reintegrate into their communities and that address the purpose and the goals listed in this solicitation.”
Amount: Up to $350,000
Contact: Link.