The Trevor Project tracks rates of suicidality among LGB youth after turning 18, showing that the stark suicide disparity between straight and...
The National Center for Homeless Education compiles and presents data on the numbers of homeless students attending schools across the country, showing...
UNICEF presents data on education and education funding from 42 countries and discusses the impacts that the lack of resources has on...
The National Mentoring Resource Center recently published this comprehensive review of the most effective mentoring practices for the prevention and reduction of...
The Bureau of Justice statistics releases the most current figures on youth-reported instances of sexual victimization during incarceration at juvenile detention facilities...
A new brief from the Urban Institute discusses student loan borrowers who hold the debt for multiple decades into adulthood, affecting their...
The Congressional Black Caucus releases a troubling report quantifying and discussing the recent sharp rise in suicide rates among black youth, a...
The CDC uses the latest results from the National Youth Tobacco Survey to provide an overview of the current rates of tobacco...
Researchers at the Urban Institute discuss the policies and practices best suited for meeting the needs of foster youth through the age...
The CDC quantifies the effects that adverse childhood experiences have on one's health and socioeconomic outcomes through to adulthood. The report makes...
Together for Girls, in partnership with the Equality Institute and the Oak Foundation releases a comprehensive and easy-to-read review of effective solutions...
Researchers quantify the prevalence of opioid use and misuse among adolescents and young adults across the country, showing still troubling high rates...
Child Trends discusses how school district and charter policies affect the health of student populations around the country and how these policies...
Georgetown University's Health Policy Institute releases a new state-by-state report showing significant increases in the number of children without health insurance over...
The CDC's National Center for Health Statistics releases the latest figures on suicide and homicide death rates among U.S. youth; highlighting the...
Researchers from Georgia State University surveyed homeless youth around Atlanta to create a comprehensive overview of their experiences, particularly in regard to...
The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation reports findings from the most recent data on childhood obesity rates across the country. The report ranks...
This new report from the University of Pennsylvania is the first of its kind to estimate the economic costs of childhood crime...
A new research report from the Urban Institute develops a more effective metric for determining the extent of school segregation within the...
The Annie E. Casey Foundation recently released this latest data snapshot outlining the prevalence and demographics of children living in high poverty....