ARTportunity Knocks serves schools across Atlanta, providing arts programming and dinner to students.
GRANT FOCUS: Education, STEM Education, Math Education, Summer Learning | Amount: Up to $15,000 | Deadline: Jan. 22, 2025
GRANT FOCUS: Summer Programs/Learning, OST Learning, Child/Youth Development, Hartford, Connecticut | Amount: Up to $50,000 | Deadline: Jan. 13, 2025
GRANT FOCUS: Museums, Education, Learning, Humanities, STEM, OST | Amount: $50,000 - $750,000 | Deadline: Nov. 15, 2024
GRANT FOCUS: Out-of-School Time (OST) Learning, Early Learning, Education, Philadelphia | Amount: Unspecified | Deadline: Oct. 25, 2024
‘Opportunity gap’ between rich and poor children can come down to six missed chances.
The opportunity gap was a more powerful predictor of educational attainment than childhood poverty.
Oregon’s Indian Country offers equine therapy for children leaving foster care and justice systems.
Camp Twin Lakes provides experiences that are both medically and physically adaptive and supportive.
Students in a tutoring program show up to school on days they have tutoring.
Can school districts capitalize on the crucial summer months and make learning more equitable?
Investor-backed chains manage an estimated one in 10 child care centers in the country.
Collaborative ecosystems of school-to-community instruction increasingly is a preferred path to improving kids’ learning.
Thus far, 20 states have earmarked millions to keep afterschool programs afloat.
States are required to report this data by federal law, but some do not.
A relative handful of tech-forward afterschool programs are beginning to fully embrace AI.
GRANT FOCUS: Education, Summer Learning, OST, Disadvantaged Students, San Diego | Amount: $30,000 - $500,000 | Deadline: Jan. 9, 2024
Kids learn how to ask questions, take risks, be brave, and accept feedback.
Many summer programs focused on social emotional learning.
A report discusses the different ways states are using ESSER funding for OST improvement.