At a time of government budget deficits, can youth-serving organizations run programs cheaper and easier than their local governments can? A...
Watch the original Youth Today video, “Hard Times at Sunnyside High” Tucson, Ariz.—Every day after school during the past year, 17-year-old Veronica...
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are all the rage right now, and many youth-serving organizations have embraced the technology to improve their...
Niles, Ill.(847) 375-8949 Artful use of time: Ceramics projects are among the activities at the Niles Teen Center. Photo: Niles Teen...
What is required of us now is a new era of responsibility: a recognition on the part of every American that...
Kimberly StezalaAMACOM Books244 pages. $17.95 paperback. “Scholarship Lady” Kimberly Stezala uses warm encouragement and insider expertise to coach students in how...
A well-vetted assessment tool used by hundreds of after-school programs across New York state to examine the quality of their services... This site, created by a nonprofit of the same name, contains information about numerous programs and resources aimed at making schools...
American Youth Policy Forum (AYPF) Programs that offer youth expanded learning opportunities are placed under a microscope in this report, which...
If you aren’t watching what your state legislators and governor are doing with Temporary Assistance for Needy Families money (TANF), now is...
If you aren’t watching what your state legislators and governor are doing with Temporary Assistance for Needy Families money (TANF), now is...
The Department of Labor plans to release $500 million in federal grants next month for agencies prepared to give “green job training”...
The American Federation of Teachers, a national teachers’ union, recently launched a privately funded school reform effort that covers out-of-school time programs....
President Barack Obama released a proposed 2010 budget Thursday that would eliminate several funding streams for youth programs, including $82 million in juvenile...
Washington—The effort to focus more attention on the national high school dropout problem came to the National Press Club this week, where...
Public Private Ventures Schools should be used for so much more than school. That’s the message of this report outlining the benefits...
New York YMCA camps pledge to raise more money for camper scholarships, and lower fees for low-income parents. The New York YMCA...
When U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan appeared on the “Charlie Rose Show” in mid-March, he outlined a vision for America’s public schools...
New York State Afterschool Network The New York State Afterschool Network (NYSAN) stresses the importance of summer learning programs through this list...
New York State Afterschool Network This policy brief aims to promote after-school programs as a way to prevent high school dropouts. The...