Juvenile Justice Florida forum explores direction of juvenile justice. Virginia program aims to help kids succeed. Infamous Mississippi youth prison still needs...
Juvenile Justice Trying young murder suspects as adults. Appeals for clemency in case of boy who who was ten when he killed...
The New Directions Alternative Education Center in Manassas, Va. won a 2013 National Dropout Prevention Network award for their work. L-R: Principal...
Standing room only at the 25th annual National Dropout Prevention Network Conference, with a keynote address by former Education Secretary Bill Bennett....
Juvenile Justice TX legislators to investigate guards’ abuse of kids. The profit motive in private youth prisons. Education Budget talks could affect...
Juvenile Justice Joe Nocera’s Gun Report. Jacksonville area coalition to address criminalization of first time offenders. Pennsylvania Supreme Court rules recent...
Juvenile Justice Fate of Texas facility for mentally ill youth remains unknown due to legislative delays. The link between delinquency and exposure...
Juvenile Justice From the NYT: “A Bid to Keep Youths Out of Adult Prisons”. Georgia closes facility with highest rate of sexual...
Juvenile Justice Roll of race in juvenile justice. Reform in Colorado? 13-year-old who murdered neo-Nazi father to be sent to state facility....
Juvenile Justice Sexual assaults on detainees in IL youth detention due to understaffing and failure to heed warning signs. Wyandotte Detention Center...
Juvenile Justice Northeast FL leads state in girls’ detentions. Revealing the corruption and abuse in FL youth prisons for profit. Editorial: Some...
Juvenile Justice D.C. defunds lauded Youth Court. Despite abuses private prisons continue to house children. Education MI Groups call for transparency in...
Juvenile Justice OK commitment rates dropping says study. JDAI to expand throughout SD following 100,000 dollar grant. OK teen court sees success....
Juvenile Justice JDAI trims number of kids in SD detention. GA teen ring breaks into over 100 cars. OH leads “smart reforms”...
“Faggot!” “What a lez-bo!” “That’s so gay!” These words are bandied about so frequently in school hallways and on social media and...
When I was born, the doctor dictated the way I would live the rest of my life simply by proclaiming “It’s a...
Juvenile Justice Florida DJJ to focus on prevention and diversion. Recent rulings cost Florida DJJ an extra 54.5 million dollars. Education Is...