Researchers call it the “ninth grade bulge,” and it has nothing to do with weight gain among teenagers. Rather, the term refers...
“Where you live, where you go to school, the amenities in your community, all those things matter to community health.” Beatriz Solis,...
As spring slides toward summer, kids at the Sitar Arts Center in Washington, D.C, are beginning to audition for roles in the...
We face grave dangers to social gains that have been hard won by social movements: the possibility of a so-called “religious freedom”...
Walking into our monthly meeting for preventive services program management, we couldn’t miss the giant chart with numerous hand-written lines of different...
The website Juvie Talk is a compilation of verbatim stories of more than 100 young people in the juvenile justice system. The...
Educators and youth workers participated in the National Youth-At-Risk Conference's annual poverty simulation in Savannah, Georgia, in March 2017.
In New Britain, Connecticut, elementary school students can get a passport at the beginning of summer, listing places in the community they...
As 2,000 after-school workers gathered in Dallas earlier this week for the annual National AfterSchool Association convention, they immediately understood the convention...
He brought candy to that first meeting at the Covenant House homeless shelter in Manhattan a few days after Halloween — a...
A longstanding program designed to keep America’s most impoverished children in a safe, learning environment during after-school hours would be eliminated entirely...
As a high school student, Brian Wenke was harassed and bullied before he even realized he was gay.
Amachi is a Philadelphia-based nonprofit that recruits volunteers from faith-based organizations to mentor the children of incarcerated parents. However, it has a...
Young African-American men are far less likely to graduate from college than other segments of the population. A little more than one-third...
“It’s in out-of-school time that kids get to pursue their interests,” says Gigi Antoni, who moves to the The Wallace Foundation in...
Derek Moore and Nicole Smith completed their AmeriCorps VISTA service this week. During their year of service, they supported the launch of...
Schools can’t do it alone. That’s the message of the Beyond School Hours conference going on in Atlanta through Saturday.
“Nobody thinks we are a county in which kids go hungry, but we are,” said Tammy Fields, Palm Beach County youth services...
Our approach to staff development should be rethought and and expanded. A continuum of professional development that targets individual needs, fosters and...
Holding hands, seven young people stood in a circle doing final breathing exercises before their entrance onto the stage — the culmination...