September 2000, Vol. 106, pp. 610-613 Summary version at With all the concern about couch potatoes, let’s start by emphasizing that...
BY ROBIN THOMPSON Since women began to really stand up for their rights in the ’60s, abortion has been...
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) This report shows both good and bad trends in the health status and service...
Jeffrey Johnson, Ph.D., Patricia Cohen, Ph.D., Daniel Pine, M.D., and colleagues Journal of the American Medical Association November 8, 2000,...
Special section of Child Maltreatment, November 2000, Vol. 5, No. 4 Guest editors: Candice Feiring and Wyndol Furman Available for $25 from...
Board on Children, Youth and Families, National Research Council Mary G. Graham, Editor National Academy Press, 2000 Available free...
Catcalls, raspberries, howls of protest and various random drubbings have greeted a provocative new teen sex advertising campaign designed to do what...
Pregnancy rates among teenagers are at the lowest they’ve been since the government began recording such data in 1976, according to a...
“Let me tell you something, honey. You’re a big queen yourself and you need to come out of the closet.” A fine...
Now and then you have the unsettling experience of hearing your thoughts come out of someone else’s mouth. This is the experience...
This report presents the findings from a survey of all adult and juvenile correctional facilities nationwide regarding substance abuse treatment service provided...
Who has the most emotional stress? Older teens, rural youth, welfare recipients and Native American youth. Who is most at risk for...
It is the season when grownups wax hysterical and hypocritical on “teenage drinking.” After years of work in school drug/alcohol programs and...
In response to evidence that Americans are beginning to drink at younger ages, anti-alcohol forces are shifting their prevention efforts to younger...
This report bears relatively good tidings about U.S. teen pregnancy: Teen sexual activity, pregnancy and birth rates have all declined since 1990....
Now that nearly 3,000 youths have gone to juvenile drug courts and the U.S. Justice Department has spent more than $16 million...
By Amy Bracken It’s the third most popular drug in middle school and it can kill on first use. Yet parents and...
In a 5-4 ruling last month the Supreme Court dismantled the Clinton administration’s tough teenage anti-smoking campaign by stripping away the U.S....
In 1997 the National Cancer Policy Board, a joint program of the Institute of Medicine and the National Research Council (which is...
National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University (CASA) Teens who drink are seven times more likely to have sexual...