Do we need more than job-training? Adding social-emotional support to reconnection programs could help.
Schools on average planned to spend 18% of the COVID aid package on facilities.
Chronic absenteeism is likely public schools’ greatest post-pandemic challenge.
Many summer programs focused on social emotional learning.
I am one of some 40 million Americans with long COVID.
If you've been affected by long COVID, we want to hear from you.
A report discusses how states used unprecedented summer learning federal funding after the pandemic.
Hundreds of thousands of children and teens are living with long COVID.
Preschool enrollment rebounds since COVID, but still 8% below pre-pandemic high.
Approximately 245,000 children across the U.S. have lost one or both parents to COVID.
Experts warned child abuse would rise during COVID. These researchers found otherwise.
Many parents don't realize how far the pandemic set back their own child's education.
Four in ten of the young women I work with experience suicidal ideation.
The pandemic took a harsh toll on U.S. teen girls' mental health.
An analysis found an estimated 240,000 students whose absences could not be accounted for.
Among 18 of the country's largest school districts, 12 started this school year with fewer counselors or psychologists than they had in...
Across the country, math scores saw their largest decreases ever. Reading scores dropped to 1992 levels. Nearly four in 10 eighth graders...
Youth Today spoke with Lacayo about his experiences teaching throughout the pandemic, how policymakers can support students and teachers and the importance...
The Annie E. Casey Foundation releases its 33rd annual report on child well-being across the nation.
Hundreds of thousands of recent graduates are heading to college this fall after spending more than half their high school careers dealing...