The Indianapolis Star An Indiana judge has blocked a local television station from airing a parent’s frustrated criticisms of the state’s Department...
The Denver Post In a case that demonstrates the importance of training law enforcement officials who interview allegedly abused children, a Denver...
California Blue Ribbon Commission on Children in Foster Care California has overburdened its courts and the child welfare workers who oversee the...
Child Welfare League of America (CWLA) and Annie E. Casey Foundation (AECF) The recent abuse-related deaths of local children “known to the...
U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) Many college students struggle to obtain health insurance because they lose their dependent coverage under their parents’...
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (UNC) Physically inactive youth are between five and six times as likely as active youth to...
Edited by William T. O’Donohue, Brie A. Moore, Barbara J. ScottRoutledge/Taylor & Francis Group340 pages. $112.50 hardcover; $62.96 paperback. In the United... The Child Welfare League of America recently began producing “On the Line,” a weekly Internet radio program targeting child welfare policymakers,... Sports4Kids aims to increase physical activity among youth by encouraging structured playground activities, such as Kick Ball and Four Square, and...
Programs that will provide snacks or meals to youths this summer should consider two major funding sources. First, food reimbursement rates under...
Privately-run behavior modification programs would face tougher federal scrutiny if a bill proposed by Rep. George Miller (D-Calif.) becomes law. The Stop...
University of Washington, Seattle/University of Illinois, Chicago Available at Despite this study’s title, its researchers make a clear distinction between adult...
Casey Family Programs and Georgetown University’s Center for Juvenile Justice Reform (CJJR) have formed a three-year partnership to improve the lives of...
Bobo: Staff decisions are affected by “attitudes and biases that may be shaped by our class experiences.” Washington—Weeks before Barack Obama was...
Denver Post Do two five-year-olds kissing on a playground, or a boy hitting a female classmate on the behind during a game...
Last year, I had my first experience with the federal Child and Family Services Review (CFSR), which many people in child welfare...
National Association of Counties (NACo) While many local governments are putting more resources toward addressing the issue of youth aging out of...
Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine More 8- to 17-year-olds die in automobile accidents than from any other cause, and more die...
California Research BureauAvailable at Although estimates vary widely, the most recent data provided to Congress suggest that, at any given time,...
Steven Keewatin Sanderson, Thomas Deer, Tania WillardThe Healthy Aboriginal Network44 pages. $5. Bulk pricing for five or more copies. Produced by a...