School Nutrition Association Increased participation in the national school lunch and breakfast programs can be added to the mounting evidence of how...
Youth Development Institute This white paper explores policy issues associated with two New York-based foster care programs-- Good Shepherd Services Prevention Services...
Those who have read our first subject-related blog, JJ Today, know our routine: We try to post original pieces throughout the week,...
Those who have read our first subject-related blog, JJ Today, know our routine: We try to post original pieces throughout the week,...
This is the first of many updates on our new online feature, CW Today. Something between a blog and a newsletter, our...
OJJDP announced a new funding opportunity for mentoring youth in foster care. Check it out, along with other grants available, at GrantsToday.
The report focuses particularly on “crossover youth,” who are known to the child welfare agency and have spent time in juvenile custody...
Several federal agencies are looking for peer and grant reviewers to help with the increased volume of solicitations for the stimulus funds....
While the most common prescriptions for fixing overburdened child welfare systems are to decrease staff caseloads and increase salaries, here’s a new...
The National Governors Association’s Center for Best Practices last month named seven states to participate in a new Learning Network aimed at...
Teenage girls 16 and younger could soon have unrestricted access to a controversial over-the-counter contraceptive known as Plan B. A federal judge...
THE SACRAMENTO BEE A special investigation by The Sacramento Bee, in which reporters cross-referenced the names of 969 employees of Sacramento...
USA TODAY An eight-month investigation into air toxicity levels outside America’s schools revealed potentially severe health risks to children that have gone...
Newsday The death of 2-year-old Olivia Raspanti at a day care center on Long Island has underlined what New York officials say...
Robert Roberson Youth Adviser Violence-Free Zone Milwaukee, Wis. (414) 294-2490 Age: 30 Salary: Between $30,000 and $35,000. My Organization: The Violence-Free...
Perhaps it’s inevitable with two wars and an economic crisis going on, but it is still disappointing that child welfare is not...
Every December, we hold a legislative open house in our drop-in center to which we invite Vermont legislators to come and learn...
Justin Reed EarlyAuthorHouse (self-published)289 pages. $19.99 ($15.99 paperback). Justin Early is a survivor. In his late 30s, an invitation to serve on... In a partnership with several schools of social work, this National Association of Social Workers site educates the public and connects... Funded by two hospitals and maintained with help from teens and community leaders, the site addresses such emotional health issues as...