WASHINGTON – Federal funding for child welfare should be overhauled to enable more children to live with families while reducing the amount...
Juvenile Justice Sexual assaults on detainees in IL youth detention due to understaffing and failure to heed warning signs. Wyandotte Detention Center...
Juvenile Justice Northeast FL leads state in girls’ detentions. Revealing the corruption and abuse in FL youth prisons for profit. Editorial: Some...
From the St. Louis Post-Dispatch (MCT) The emergency room diagnosis of the toddler’s fracture fell into that unsettling gray area where nobody was able...
WASHINGTON – The number of homeless children enrolled in U.S. public schools rose 10 percent in the 2011-12 school year to...
Juvenile Justice D.C. defunds lauded Youth Court. Despite abuses private prisons continue to house children. Education MI Groups call for transparency in...
Vernon Foster walks down 9th Street to visit a friend in a park. He roams shirtless whenever it’s warm enough to allow...
Juvenile Justice OK commitment rates dropping says study. JDAI to expand throughout SD following 100,000 dollar grant. OK teen court sees success....
Juvenile Justice JDAI trims number of kids in SD detention. GA teen ring breaks into over 100 cars. OH leads “smart reforms”...
Megan Owens and friends. Photo by Ashley Lauer. It’s unclear how many families are living with their children in the extended-stay...
“Faggot!” “What a lez-bo!” “That’s so gay!” These words are bandied about so frequently in school hallways and on social media and...
To segregate or not to segregate, that is the question. When it comes to best meeting the needs of LGBTQ youth, answering...
NEW YORK — Demetrius Johnson was placed into foster care when he was only a few months old. Over the...
Juvenile Justice Changes in Utah’s policies lead to unintended hardships and extra costs. FL DJJ proposes overhaul and major shift in mission....
Transgender teens come from all over New York to find refuge on Christopher Street but soon discover they are underserved by social-services...
Photo by Robert Stolarick In the late 1990s when Carl Siciliano worked at Safe Space, an organization that helped homeless teens, he...