Everyone intuitively understands it – child welfare workers, their supervisors, the courts, even the kids. A revolving cast of caseworkers is not...
Los Angeles, Calif.(310) 423-3401www.teenlineonline.org Objective: To provide a teen-to-teen helpline with community outreach services. In a Nutshell: Teens are trained...
Child WelfareEstimating Financial Support for Kinship CaregiversThe Urban Institute This brief examines government payments to children in private kinship care (77 percent...
If you ask people what type of disease is most prevalent in children, few would say dental disease. But tooth decay is...
A compilation of the reports from this issue.
Preventing Violence and Related Health-Risking Social Behaviors in Adolescents National Institutes of Health State-of-the-Science Conference Statement Available free at http://consensus.nih.gov/ta/023/023youthviolenceHTMLstatement.htm. “Scare tactics”...
It was a youth worker’s nightmare. As staff member Johnny Dove of the New Life Children’s Residential Treatment Center in Canyon Lake,...
Harris, N.Y.(845) 794-3300www.catskillregional.com Objective: To provide comprehensive health care services to HIV positive and HIV at-risk adolescents and young adults in...
Cheltenham, Md.—It’s a hot summer Friday afternoon at Maryland’s aging Cheltenham Youth Facility – one of an increasing number of juvenile corrections...
Marshfield, Wis.—Whether it’s tractors rolling over, high-powered machinery that ensnares clothing or poisonous chemicals that look like fruit juice, farms can be...
Whittier, Calif.(562) 789-8009www.bridgeoffaith.org Objective: Help young women aging out of foster care get the support they need to live independently. In...
Youth Suicides Often Exceed Murders In most states, youth are more likely to die from suicide than murder, according to a new...
Child Welfare Foster Home Scarcity Means Many Youths Languish for MonthsHartford Courant Because of a shortage of foster care homes in Connecticut,...
A compilation of the reports from this issue.
Education Smithsonian for Kidswww.smithsonian.kids.usThe Smithsonian’s online museum for adolescents is excellent in its simplicity. The site features three exhibits at a...
GAO Cites AmeriCorps Enrollment Errors A report released last month revealing flaws in the management of AmeriCorps provoked harsh criticism from Republican...
Child Care MadeTrenton Times The 5-year-old autistic son of Alicia Day, a single mother of four in New Jersey, was fatally scalded...
A compilation of the reports from this issue.
Child Welfare The Adoption History Projecthttp://www.uoregon.edu/%7EadoptionThis digital history resource profiles the people, organizations and writings that have shaped adoption in the...
Activism Making Children A National Priority: A Framework for Community Action, by Linda Morgan and Teri Martin, provides youth workers with a...