This report explains the methods, cost and impact of two Boys & Girls Clubs programs to curb gang-related activity: Gang Prevention Through...
Child Trend’s annual report on teen childbearing, sexual activity and contraception offers abundant data and some interpretation. Among the facts: 46 percent...
This report analyzes political and civic involvement among four generations: “DotNets” (15- to 25-year-olds), “Generation Xers,” “Baby Boomers” and “Matures.” Among the...
Youth under the drinking age saw more alcohol advertising in magazines than adults did in 2001, according to this report.
Use of two drugs popular among youth – Oxycontin and Ecstasy – continued to increase in 2001, according to the newest version...
Researchers constructed models to assess what effect mother-child interaction had on the timing of a youth’s decision to have sex, while also...
After surveying officials in 1,121 jurisdictions of various sizes nationwide, the report indicates that multiethnic and female-inclusive gangs were on the rise...
This report posits a view that immigrant youth and those born to immigrants associate with violent neighborhood gangs out of a need...
Researchers say that the declines in violent crime and homicides since the early 1970s have bottomed out in the waning economy, and...
Whites and Hispanics among the 1,026 teens in this survey were quickest to attribute gun violence to parental behavior and violent entertainment,...
The report lays out the significantly low academic achievement level of the average foster child and finds that academic performance is often...
The report reviews high school dropout rates and the percentage of students who complete high school in four years for 37 states.
The Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grants Program bulletin provides plans for a juvenile gun court for handling nonviolent crimes committed by youths...
The research in this report, conducted by Public/Private Ventures and the Manpower Demonstration Research Corp., examines Extended-Service Schools (EES), school-based programs that...
This report details the strengths and weaknesses of six juvenile offender arts outreach programs that were part of joint efforts by the...
This data-filled report shows that teenagers are twice as likely as any other age group to be victims of violent crime.
This report details the implementation of the BEST Initiative, launched in 1996 to help local communities establish comprehensive youth development programs.
Continuing education at a community college has the potential to dramatically increase a student’s marketable skills, yet few students complete these additional...
According to this report, young voters are more susceptible to personal contact through canvassing than are older voters. Researchers studied the efficacy...
This report culminates three years of research based on asking youth to help solve youth violence issues. Among the varied responses were...