Urban Institute Eight new research briefs on youth transitions to early adulthood are available and include two unexpected findings: First, among...
The Finance Project This paper reviews some of the most recent research on what makes an effective youth development program and...
Public/Private Ventures and The Finance Project An increase in the need for programs that occupy students during their time outside of...
Teen Internet and American Life Project The share of American teenagers using cell phones increased from 45 percent in 2004 to...
American Academy of Pediatrics Adolescents whose friends and parents smoke are at greater risk of progressing from merely experimenting with cigarettes...
Higher tuition. Less faculty. That’s the story among colleges and universities throughout the country, according to a new Center on Budget...
Federal Bureau of Investigation The FBI’s annual Uniform Crime Report shows slight declines in violent and property crimes from 2007...
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities Major budget cuts occurring in at least 41 states and the District of Columbia – because...
Urban Institute Eight new research briefs on youth transitions to early adulthood are now available and include two unexpected findings: 1....
Children Now After-school workforce development projects that focus their outreach efforts on specific demographics, such as high school and college students,...
Chapin Hall and National Governors Association This Web conference examines the possible impact of the Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing...
Corporation for National and Community Service The number of young adults (16 to 24 years old) who volunteered in 2008 rose...
U.S. Government Accountability Office States are doing what they can to implement performance measures under a federal accountability law for career...
Jobs for the Future (JFF) There’s no shortage of ideas about how to retool the Workforce Investment Act in order to...
Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies Although it makes no effort to establish possible causes, and some of its findings...
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) Simplified or joint forms, the elimination of face-to-face interviews, a centralized system for eligibility processing and...
More than 13 million young people ages 19 to 29 lacked health insurance coverage in 2007 because of the structure of...
Federal Interagency Forum on Child and Family Statistics An annual federal interagency report shows a few small changes in the well-being...
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service Eat a good breakfast. That’s the bottom line on this federal study of eating...
The Finance Project This paper reviews some of the most recent research on what makes an effective youth development program, and seeks...