Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law This study assessed the Brief Rating of Aggression by Children and Adolescents...
Children and Youth Services Review This study uses data from the Texas child welfare system to identify the factors that contribute to...
Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce The report released by the Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce, not...
Children and Youth Services Review New research conducted at the University of Missouri and Central Michigan University looks at the effect that...
Aspen Institute Communications and Society Program and the John S. and James L.Knight Foundation The paper by Peter Levine of Tufts University,...
The Urban Institute, Chapin Hall (University of Chicago) A new study from the University of Chicago showed that high percentages of young...
California Healthy Students Research Project The California Healthy Students Research Project is aimed at finding a link between student performance and physical...
Advisory Committee on Student Financial Assistance It seems like such a simple concept: a calculator on a school’s website that enables prospective...
MDRC This report by MDRC evaluates a New York City program that is targeted at low-income adults ages 22 to 35 who...
The Education Trust Students from middle-income families often benefit more from higher education scholarship and grant programs than do the lower income...
More Texas students have been suspended or expelled than have not, according to a forthcoming study of state trends on school discipline....
A report released today by the group D.C. Lawyers for Youth challenges the widely held belief that notable spikes in juvenile offenses...
Latino Policy Institute at Roger Williams University Creating national legislation to implement in-state tuition for non-citizens can have a positive effect on...
Tulane University, Harvard School of Public Health, Harvard University, University of Maryland Young children who spend more time in institutional care at...
The Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS) Report, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration This report recommends more study of prevention and...
Carsey Institute On average, the reading levels of third grade students in rural and urban schools are lower than those of suburban...
University of Arizona When a parent is arrested or detained by immigration enforcement, the chances that they will ever regain custody of...
The Project on Student Debt Federal student loans provide the most affordable and safest option for students, however, many community colleges to...
Maltreatment or abuse may cause stress-triggered reactions in children that can push them into worsening levels of depression, according to a study...
Child Trends Studies of facilities such as Second Chance Homes – a new version of maternity group homes that provide a supportive...