Archives of Otolaryngology Secondhand smoke, the perils of which continue to grow, has now been linked to possible hearing loss in adolescents....
Students attending for-profit colleges are more likely to be poor, poorly prepared for college, most dependent on financial aid, most likely to...
Students attending for-profit colleges are more likely to be poor, poorly prepared for college, most dependent on financial aid, most likely to...
Urban Institute This new evaluation by researchers from the Urban Institute’s Justice Policy Center (UI-JPC), RTI International (RTI) and the Center for...
A report on school discipline released this week by the Council of State Governments Justice Center and Public Policy Research Institute could...
Institute of Education Sciences (IES) This report describes how Arizona public schools found to need improvement under Title I of No Child...
National Student Clearinghouse Research Center This report spotlights national and regional college enrollment trends among traditional-age, first-time students during the fall...
Officially, the number of children who died of maltreatment in the United States in 2009 was 1,770. That’s the count from the...
Florida had four times as many deaths from legal drugs as illegal drugs in 2009, according to a report from the federal...
A new study that attempted to determine whether additional cash grants to college students who received Pell grants would push more of...
Federal Interagency Forum on Child and Family Statistics The largest annual collection of indicators on the health, behavior and circumstances of American...
National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education The importance of the U.S. having more college graduates and the role that community...
National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP) In the fall of 2010, the National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP) convened a...
Public Agenda Report for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Although when in high school the vast majority of young Americans say...
Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP) and National Center for Higher Education Management Systems (NCHEMS) Although the number of high school...
Northwestern University Although many policy makers and those in academia concur that after-school programs are important for students, participation in these programs...
Institute of Education Sciences College and other post-secondary enrollments of students with disabilities continue to rise in the United States – with...
National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) There were no significant changes in the differences in math and reading for white and Hispanic...
MDRC This report analyzes the results of the National Guard’s Youth ChalleNGe program, which targets high school dropouts between ages 16 and...
New information released by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services provides more details about the number of allegations of maltreatment...