Can school districts capitalize on the crucial summer months and make learning more equitable?
Collaborative ecosystems of school-to-community instruction increasingly is a preferred path to improving kids’ learning.
Would their presence reduce violence or only increase punitive/exclusionary responses to student behavior?
Only about 40% of firearm owners store their guns when not in use.
Newsom proposed a budget completely eliminating essential increases in funding for housing and services.
Early education and child care represent the most diverse and lowest-paid sector in education.
America’s schools don’t always welcome, support or allow cultural expression.
Every family should have the option to choose a school that fits their values.
Teaching students to think creatively versus relying on AI for answers is important.
The agenda offers detailed roadmaps to help states better use existing data and funds.
This violates the civil rights of students with disabilities and devalues their athletic skills.
If they don’t change their lives, what likely awaits them is prison or death.
Abuse disclosure, consistent support from safe adult caregivers, and therapy are important for recovery.
Not only do teachers benefit from improved mental health, but their students do, too.
Artificial intelligence could make tests more learner-centered and personalized, with a whole-child emphasis.
How would you feel if your child were being tutored by a robot?
In the spring of ninth grade, a murder at a party changed my life.
Will the evil genius claiming the arts are less important keep the arts out?
Schools must balance standardized education with nurturing diverse talents.
It is precisely in moments like this one that free speech is most important.