Young African-American men are far less likely to graduate from college than other segments of the population. A little more than one-third...
In all her years working with Unaccompanied Alien Children, one interaction in particular stands out to Michelle Brané, the director of migrant...
After 18 days on a bus to the Mexican city of Reynosa, five days walking through the desert to Texas and two...
“It’s in out-of-school time that kids get to pursue their interests,” says Gigi Antoni, who moves to the The Wallace Foundation in...
The war on poverty and an array of social welfare measures that followed over the last half-century have helped improve the lives...
You’re 16, homeless and sleeping on a park bench when police grab you at 3 in the morning. Vagrancy, trespassing or a...
This new report from the Pittsburgh Foundation uses data gathered from a comprehensive survey of youth in Allegheny County to paint a...
The elephant in the room never actually made it into the room this morning. But Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Arkansas, who last year...
As the U.S. Department of Homeland Security steps up deportations under new policies announced Tuesday, some organizations are working to inform young...
The Association of American Universities and the Research Corporation for Science Advancement published this report bringing together several case studies documenting current...
Schools can’t do it alone. That’s the message of the Beyond School Hours conference going on in Atlanta through Saturday.
Growing up on the tough South Side of Chicago, Richard never felt comfortable around people because he never felt normal as a...
Juvenile drug treatment courts must do more to bring families into the treatment process if they want to help young offenders overcome...
“Nobody thinks we are a county in which kids go hungry, but we are,” said Tammy Fields, Palm Beach County youth services...
A shove on a playground. A pair of shears meant for an art project. Pepper spray carried for a dangerous walk to...
Panelists at a discussion on race spoke mostly about collective response to a president they fear will roll back the rights of...
The first time Joseph Albines saw the object that became symbolic of his life was in the 1980s. His older brother brought...
Ascend at the Aspen Institute and Nurse-Family Partnership collaborated to gather information and then write and publish this brief which outlines the...
Poetry propels young people onto stages in front of hundreds of people and in the midst of world leaders.
A cold rain didn't dampen the energy of several hundred New York City high school students who walked out of classes on...