The Roy and Patricia Disney Family Foundation (RPDFF) has named Shawn Escoffery as its new executive director. He joins RPDFF from the...
At the end of April, Bryan Stevenson’s Equal Justice Institute opened a striking museum and a memorial to 4,400 victims of lynching...
Colleges are becoming ideological battlegrounds. A national survey of freshman students found the incoming 2016 class was the most politically extreme in...
The National Juvenile Justice Network takes a look at the successes of New Zealand's juvenile justice system and discusses how the United...
Youth-serving organizations are often staffed by young adults whose outlook and circumstances are different from that of their older colleagues. Sometimes young...
The National Juvenile Defender Center (NJDC) has announced that Carrie Johnson will be recognized with the inaugural Norman Dorsen Award in recognition...
It’s early evening on a warm Tuesday in March, and a handful of teenagers are commanding rapt attention in a corner of...
Leaders of summer learning programs who are now reaching out to enroll kids often have to deal with a high no-show rate.
Researchers at the University of Chicago's Chapin Hall recently produced this report showing the disproportionate struggles LGBTQ youth experience as they are...
Lesbian, gay, transgender, bisexual and queer youths have nearly double the risk of winding up homeless as their straight peers — and...
Dr. Amy Pollack, MD, FACOG, FACPM will be the new director of maternal, newborn & child health at the Bill & Melinda...
You can only find the entrance to the RightWay Foundation if you’re really looking for it. Hidden deep within the parking structure...
What began as a lobbying gala quickly changed into a pep rally as key congressional leaders assured after-school advocates that their cherished...
The latest edition of the National Institute for Early Education Research's annual report discusses the latest trends in public preschool quality, availability...
Ronald Reagan didn’t start the war on drugs but he did his best to finish it. Law enforcement budgets soared, the jails...
It is the second-largest school district in the nation with more than 640,000 students enrolled. It spans more than 720 square miles,...
Tanya Curren is a 2018 inductee of Kennesaw State University’s Bagwell College of Education Hall of Fame in recognition of work in...
The Tulsa Opera, yoga teachers, magicians and first responders helped after-school providers shift into high gear to provide free, full-day activities for...
Sparks flew in Russ Tesmer’s auto body repair class as a group of students practiced welding on an old car that had...
Rebecca Fabiano is president and founder of Fab Youth Philly. OST Hub editor Sara Hill asked her a series of questions about...