In Homer’s “Odyssey,” Mentor was a trusted family friend and advisor who assumed responsibility for the education of Odysseus’ son Telemachus when...
Pat Milam’s son Matthew began showing signs of severe schizophrenia in spring 2011. At various points, he told his doctors he was...
WASHINGTON, D.C. — The Obama administration will offer states financial incentives to expand access to early childhood education programs for low-income children,...
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Establishing a positive school climate and encouraging healthy communication between students and adults is critical to preventing violent incidents...
SAVANNAH, Ga. — The opening theme of the National Youth-at-Risk Conference, which got underway here Sunday, was repeated by participants, organizers and...
WASHINGTON – Sixteen years ago, then-first lady Hillary Clinton convened a White House conference on the latest research on brain development in...
According to a report from the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, teen birth rates in rural regions of the...
On Wednesday, the Center for Sustainable Journalism, which publishes the Juvenile Justice Information Exchange and Youth Today, celebrated the opening of its...
NEW YORK — Last year, the after-school program at P.S. 102 in Elmhurst, Queens shut down due to funding cuts. Without the...
Despite all the political rhetoric about the importance of a good education, you don’t have to look far to find evidence of...
Talking candidly about your own drug use may not inspire your kids to stay away from drugs, according to a new study...
Calling children aged 5 and younger the state’s youth population most in need of stability at an Emory University School of Law...
BALTIMORE – Whether taking care of siblings, working a job or just hanging out with friends, older teenagers have a lot of...
A new Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) report finds that 16- and 18- year-old teenagers who drop out of...
Last month, a Mississippi parent filed a class action lawsuit against the state Department of Human Services, contesting that requiring biometric finger...
“Children haven’t changed; but childhood has,” Bobby Cagle, commissioner of Georgia’s Department of Early Care and Learning (DECAL) said Friday at an...
BALTIMORE – Kyle was shy and soft-spoken, a gentle boy who would express immediate regret if he acted out in front of...