This story was originally published by ProPublica. Hours after Jaidryon Platero attempted suicide, an employee of New Mexico’s child welfare agency visited...
Social Security's cost of living adjustment, otherwise known as the COLA, for 2023 is expected to be around 9% or even higher,...
GRANT FOCUS: Child/Youth Development, Education/Learning, Community, Job/Career Training | Amount: ~$200,000 | Deadline: Nov. 4, 2022
Paul Boxer has become an expert in youth violence. He has co-authored 80 research papers and is head of the Rutgers Center...
Two Democratic senators urged the Education Department on Wednesday to strengthen regulations against quietly excluding kids from class because of behaviors related...
Students can be ticketed by school resource officers or by local police departments to whom school staff members refer students viewed as...
Courts have long mandated such fees, aiming to hold youth accountable, deter them from future crime and often to cover the justice...
Sixteen current and former employees of the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) have filed an amicus brief as part...
The pandemic emphasized the important role afterschool and summer programs can play in supporting kids with their social and emotional well-being. Some...
The number of girls playing flag football in U.S. high schools doubled to 11,000 in the decade leading up to 2018-19, according...
Within what's known as the secure transport industry, it's called "gooning." Brawny men show up under the cover of darkness and force...
Experts say the U.S. Supreme Court's June ruling appears to be accelerating a trend of increased birth control use among teens, including...
I continue to be impressed with the simplicity and power of Handle with Care, a partnership between law enforcement, schools and mental...
More than a thousand protesters, many of them skipping school, marched through the streets.
Communities thrive when nonprofits thrive, and nonprofits thrive when an engaged board works to translate bold vision into reality. As the leader of...
A history of disinvestment and exploitation have left this region of the state, called the Black Belt, a food desert - an...
The solar academy run by Chicago’s branch of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, IBEW Local 134, is a direct path to...
The number of “clean energy jobs” is expected to increase in the coming years as a result of the Inflation Reduction Act’s...
School resource officers can be strong partners in the work to reduce school violence in many communities. However, a school resource officer...
When 14-year-old Michael Carneal opened fire on his fellow students during a before-school prayer meeting in 1997, school shootings were not yet...