If you plan to apply for funds under the upcoming Drug-Free Communities (DFC) Support program, several grant workshops are scheduled this month...
A new $110 million appropriation for teen pregnancy prevention and the Obama administration’s elimination of funds for abstinence-only education has revived what seems...
The fiscal 2010 omnibus spending bill signed by President Barack Obama on Dec. 16 adds $20 million – for a total of...
Officials developing the newly appropriated Social Innovation Fund – a $50 million Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) initiative to support...
The Hearst FoundationsNew York (212) 586-5404http://www.hearstfdn.org • Archer School for Girls, Los Angeles, $50,000 toward scholarship support. • DePaul University, Chicago,...
The new year could bring new resources for court-appointed special advocates (CASAs) and guardians ad litem – the association that represents these...
It looks like game changers getting ready to apply for the 2010 Digital Media Learning competition will have more time to nurture...
Nonprofits may be able to partner with grantees under the Strengthening Communities Fund to build their capacity, according to a November funding...
Can Facebook, Twitter and mobile phones be transformed into tools that make boring subjects like math and science fun? The White House...
Foundation giving could decline by more than 10 percent at the end of this year, reductions that are expected to continue into...
State stimulus spenders beware: New cadres of watchdogs in six states are examining your funding decisions. The Open Society Institute (OSI) recently...
If you have an abiding interest in data and the patience to navigate an intricate website, you can get the skinny on...
View the full list here. Department of Health and Human Services Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (877) 726-4727, http://www.samhsa.gov Family...
We have compiled an extensive list of recent grants awarded – for everything from juvenile drug courts to adolescent drug treatment. Follow...
While small youth-serving nonprofits can be gleeful about receiving a new grant, a reality check is soon in order: As The Finance...
Lynne Holden is a doctor honored for encouraging less advantaged students in New York to enter health professions. Rajiv Kumar was honored...
The State Justice Institute (SJI), which provides funding to improve the operations of state and local courts – including the juvenile system...
Following the Tobacco Money Most people have seen the highly produced anti-teen-smoking tobacco ads paid for by the American Legacy Foundation, the...
The Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP) has released a new chart tracking Recovery Act spending under the Child Care and...
Office of National Drug Control PolicyWashington, D.C.(202) 395-6618http://www.ondcp.gov Note: The following are 2009 new mentoring grantees from the Drug-Free Communities Program. Each...