The Nord Family Foundation (440) 984-3939 Amherst, OH Grants awarded to: The Cleveland Play House, in support of the community...
The Tow Foundation Canaan, CT The Tow Foundation has granted a three-year, $255,000 grant to Kennesaw State University’s Center for Sustainable Journalism...
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (206) 709-3100 Seattle, WA Highline Public Schools, to create a three year strategic plan and...
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (206) 709-3100 Seattle, WA Athabasca University, to provide conference support to Massive Open Online...
W.K. Kellogg Foundation TO: Center for Native American Youth $600,000 – to continue and expand the organization’s efforts to build a platform...
Marin Community Foundation TO: Marin Community Clinics $975,000-for oral health, behavioral health, adolescent health, and women’s health) Coastal Health Alliance...
Students in Free Enterprise and Lowe’s TO: United Neighborhood Center$2000-To build a new playground and exercise area for kids. CarMax...
Fond du Lac Area Foundation $103,300 -to several non-profits in Fond du Lac area in the areas of health, humn service,...
George Gund Foundation 241-3114Cleveland, Ohio Chess for Success Inc.Cleveland, Ohio-Cleveland Municipal School District chess program.$9,000 The Cleveland FoundationCleveland, Ohio-Portfolio of...
Harvard Pilgrim Healthcare Foundation Childhood Obesity Prevention Efforts$4,000,000 Corning Foundation Corning-Painted Post School District$5,300,000 U.S. Department of Education...
McCormick FoundationChicago(312) Grants Supporting Quality Content Center for Public Integrity, Washington, D.C., $150,000 over two years for collaborative regional and national...
Administration for Children and FamiliesFamily and Youth Services BureauWashington, D.C.(202) Basic Center Program * Covenant House Alaska, Anchorage, $100,000. *...
Public Welfare FoundationWashington, D.C.(202) * Campaign for Youth Justice, Washington, D.C., $250,000 for general support.* Center for Children’s Law and Policy,...
The Atlantic PhilanthropiesNew York(212) Grantmakers for Children, Youth and Families, Silver Spring, Md., $200,000 to enhance policy and advocacy capacity and...
Carnegie CorporationNew York(212) 371-3200 • Battelle For Kids, Columbus, Ohio, $650,000 for enhancement of a system of assessment-based professional development to...
W.K. Kellogg Foundation Battle Creek, Mich.(269) 968-1611 Note: The following grants are all part of America Healing, Kellogg’s new initiative to promote racial...
Many nonprofits are innovating, but lack the ability to move promising practices to scale because of a lack of funding, according to...
The Doris Duke Charitable Foundation and Chapin Hall have teamed up on a program to develop the workforce focused on preventing child...
The government watchdog agency says the federal runaway and homeless youth grant program needs work, reports Youth Today’s John Kelly. In a...
African-American family foundations, which tend to favor giving to locally based social service organizations, especially programs focused on children and youth, have...