McCormick Foundation
(312) 445-506
Grants Supporting Quality Content
- Center for Public Integrity, Washington, D.C., $150,000 over two years for collaborative regional and national investigative stories.
- City Colleges of Chicago Foundation, $50,000 to assist in producing a youth voices segment on a new PBS public affairs show.
- Community Media Workshop, Chicago, $160,000 over two years in support of its community news initiative and for the production of its annual media guide.
- WBEZ Alliance Inc., Chicago, $50,000 for to partner with media that serve youth and community audiences.
Grants Supporting Youth Media and News Literacy
- After School Matters, Chicago, $150,000 over two years for support of technology improvements at Gallery 37 Center for the Arts and inclusion of news literacy training for ASM media arts instructors.
- Beyondmedia Education, Chicago, $120,000 over two years to support the reportage of youth violence in Chicago.
- Columbia College, Chicago, $300,000 over two years for continued support of the Columbia LINKS journalism program for Chicago teens.
- Community Television Network, Chicago, $120,000 over two years to expand the Youth News for You news literacy program.
- Educational Development Center, Boston, $300,000 over two years in support of its Chicago office to manage the Youth Media Technology Fund.
- President and Fellows of Harvard College, Cambridge, Mass., $200,000 over two years to establish a Youth & Media Lab at the Berkman Center.
- One Economy, Washington, D.C., $50,000 to support the expansion of youth journalism training in Chicago and the Teen Reporter.
- Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting, Washington, D.C., $100,000 over two years to expand the Pulitzer Center’s Global Gateway project in Chicago schools.
- Research Foundation of the State University of New York, Albany, $75,000 for a National News Literacy Summit on best practices in news literacy education at Stony Brook University.
- True Star Foundation, Chicago, $100,000 over two years for support of youth media, broadcast training and True Star magazine.
- University of Southern California Annenberg School for Communication & Journalism, Los Angeles, $135,000 over two years to support the Intersections youth reporting project and High School Journalism Days.
- We the People Media, Chicago, $120,000 over two years to expand a journalism training program for Chicago’s inner city youth.
- Young Chicago Authors, $130,000 over two years for the continuing support of Say What magazine and youth media training.
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Princeton, New Jersey
(877) 843-7953
- Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research, Calif., $112,959 to investigate the effect of statutory-rape laws on pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases among teens.
- Tandeka LLC, Dothan, Ala., $499,990 to develop an academy to train advocates for policy change in the southern United States to prevent childhood obesity.
- Public Health Institute, Oakland, Calif., $166,785 to examine whether cause marketing by soda companies mimics tobacco-industry strategies to thwart regulation.
- University of Rochester Medical Center, N.Y., $149,839 to analyze the impact of new local lead laws on children’s health to inform policy in other communities.
- Power U Center for Social Change, Miami, $250,000 to advocate access to affordable healthy foods and safe spaces for youth in Miami’s Overtown neighborhood.
- Alternatives for Community and Environment Inc., Roxbury, Mass., $250,000 to advocate environmental justice in Boston communities through improved transportation and access to healthy foods and safe places to play.
- Southwest Youth Collaborative, Chicago, $250,000 to advocate recreational opportunities and healthy foods for incarcerated youth of color in Cook County, Ill.
- Generations United Inc., Washington, D.C., $25,000 to support the organization’s 2010 summit to strengthen intergenerational collaboration.
- University of Washington Center for Public Health Nutrition, Seattle, $167, 900 to measure the impact of menu labeling in schools on students’ food choices.
- University of California, San Francisco, School of Medicine’s Lee Institute for Health Policy Studies, $169,999 to examine the effects of schools’ drinking-water policies and practices on student consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages in California.
- California Food Policy Advocates Inc., Oakland, $170,000 to assess the effects of the federal commodities program on school meals for children in lower-income communities.
- Columbia University, New York, $329,990 to assess the youth “energy gap” to measure progress benchmarks in reversing childhood obesity and inform the Healthy Weight Commitment evaluation.
- Public Healthy Policy & Law, Oakland, Calif., $2.75 million for the National Policy and Legal Analysis Network for Childhood Obesity Prevention, 2010-11.
- Council for a Strong America, Washington, D.C., $300,000 to support the retired admirals and generals of Mission: Readiness in their work to reverse the epidemic of childhood obesity.
- Food Research and Action Center Inc., Washington, D.C., $100,000 to leverage federal nutrition programs to reduce childhood hunger and obesity.
- Academy for Educational Development Inc., $120,000 to convene a National Collaborative on Child Obesity Research forum on the evaluations of state and community interventions to prevent childhood obesity.
- Mathematica Policy Research Inc., Princeton, N.J., $1,256,384 to expand the randomized experiment of Playworks.
- Morehouse School of Medicine, Atlanta, $54,420 to support a panel discussion by former surgeons general on the topic of leadership in the effort to prevent childhood obesity.
- Mathematica Policy Research Inc., Princeton, N.J., $552,859 to evaluate physical activity in the randomized experiment of Playworks.
- Healthy Schools Campaign, Chicago, $100,000 to advocate reform of federal policy governing food in schools.
- Center for Media Justice, Oakland, Calif., $400,000 to prevent childhood obesity.
- Prevention Institute, Oakland, Calif., $200,000 to prevent childhood obesity.
- Strategic Concepts in Organizing and Policy Education (SCOPE), Los Angeles, $150,000 to prevent childhood obesity.
- Tufts University John Hancock Research Center on Physical Activity, Nutrition, and Obesity Prevention, Boston, $356,080 to support ChildObesity180 in developing a strategy through interdisciplinary dialogue to combat childhood obesity at the national level.
- Greater Trenton Area YMCA, N.J., $75,000 to build a community-based coalition to prevent childhood obesity in the North Ward of Trenton.
- Movement Strategy Center, Oakland, Calif., $100,000 to prevent childhood obesity.
- Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, Center for State Health Policy, New Brunswick, N.J., $40,000 to assess five community coalitions established under the New Jersey Partnership for Healthy Kids.
- New Jersey YMCA State Alliance Inc., Medford, $528,982 to provide technical assistance and direction for RWJF’s New Jersey Partnership for Healthy Kids program.
Public Welfare Foundation
Washington, D.C.
(202) 965-1800
- Children’s Defense Fund, New York, $100,000 in support of juvenile justice reform advocacy in New York.
- Colorado Juvenile Defender Coalition, Littleton, $175,000 in support of a project challenging state policies regarding youth trial and incarceration in the adult criminal justice system.
- Constitution Project, Washington, D.C., $475,000 to provide newly elected governors with technical assistance and data analysis to chart strategies to cut corrections spending and to reduce prison populations.
- Correctional Association of New York, New York City, $100,000 for advocacy of a reduction in youth incarceration rates and an increase in community-based rehabilitative services for youth.
- Ella Baker Center for Human Rights, Oakland, Calif., $50,000 in support of the Books Not Bars campaign, which organizes incarcerated youth and their families and advocates decreasing California’s juvenile prison population.
- Georgetown University, Washington, D.C., $150,000 to build the capacity of reform-minded juvenile justice agency leaders and staff working to improve juvenile justice systems nationwide.
- Kentucky Youth Advocates, Jeffersontown, $75,000 to reduce Kentucky’s reliance on detention for status offenders and those who engage in noncriminal misbehaviors.
- Legal Services for Children, San Francisco, $200,000 to reduce racial and ethnic disparities in the juvenile justice system.
- Prison Fellowship Ministries, Lansdowne, Va., $100,000 for education and outreach activities to conservative political leaders, religious organizations and news media on criminal justice issues.
- Southern Poverty Law Center, Montgomery, Ala., $400,000 to reduce youth detention and incarceration rates and to plan strategies for challenging youth incarceration policies.