The House Appropriations Committee posted the 2009 Omnibus Appropriations information today, both the bills and the explanatory statements. JJ Today is told these will be the final numbers.
We will look at this more later, but here’s what we see at first glance:
-The total for juvenile justice is $374 million, down $9.5 million from 2008.
-$82 million for juvenile mentoring, which was at $70 million last year and $10 million the year before that.
-As usual, tons and tons of earmarks make up the bulk of the discretionary money for the Office of Justice Programs, both within OJJDP and the Byrne Discretionary Grants. A list of all earmarks begins on page 251 of this document.
-Internal review of the grant making under former Administrator J. Robert Flores is due 30 days after the omnibus appropriations are signed by President Obama.