Author(s): The Afterschool Alliance
Published: February 2014
Report Intro/Brief:
“Over the past 15 years, knowledge of the afterschool field has grown substantially, confirming that quality afterschool programs help children become more engaged in school, reduce their likelihood of taking part in at-risk behaviors or acting out in school, and help raise their academic performance. A greater emphasis on evidence-based practices has increased the number of evaluations of afterschool programs, which in turn has helped parents, educators, business leaders and policy makers to see the range of positive outcomes associated with participation in afterschool programs. To better understand promising practices in the afterschool field, this report reviews outcomes associated with participation in afterschool programs, synthesizing high-quality evaluations of 10 afterschool programs, explores research spanning hundreds of programs to present a summary of promising practices of afterschool programs, and provides specific examples of ways in which the afterschool programs employ each promising practice.”
-Afterschool Alliance