Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
(206) 709-3140
• Council of Chief State School Officers, Washington, D.C., $8.3 million to increase the leadership capacity of chiefs by focusing on standards and assessments, data systems, educator development and a new system of supports for student learning.
• Teach for America, New York, $1 million for support, with the goals of bringing low-income and minority students in TFA classrooms to proficiency, increasing student achievement in non-TFA classrooms in districts where TFA members work, and working to ensure the most effective TFA members after two years are teaching the highest need students.
• Education Equality Project, New York, $100,000 to support a convening in Washington, D.C.
• National Consortium on College Completion, Indianapolis, $942,601 to support a project aimed at supporting state efforts to develop and implement policies on college completion.
• College Summit, Washington, D.C., $1.4 million to ensure that the National Student Clearinghouse three-state pilot next-generation reports are designed to be actionable for school leaders and to provide the supports to help translate the information into action.
• United Way of King County, Seattle, $25,000 to support the Climb for the Community campaign.
• Texas Charter Schools Association, Austin, $250,000 for general support.
• Institute for Higher Education Policy, Washington, D.C., $1.6 million for policy research, the Pathways to College Network and strategic planning efforts.
• New America Foundation, Washington, D.C., $450,000 for an initiative aimed at increasing post-secondary education access and completion rates among lower-income, disadvantaged students through innovative public policy and other reforms in college savings plans.
• Editorial Projects in Education, Bethesda, Md., $2.0 million to this nonprofit publisher of education newspapers and journals to accelerate its digital efforts to better serve policymakers and educators, as well as to ensure its sustainability.
Lumina Foundation
• Academy for Educational Development, Washington, D.C., $2.6 million to strengthen and sustain the KnowHow2GO ground campaign by providing technical assistance to state partners, involving additional collaborators and organizing an improved learning community for all partners.
• Advertising Council, New York, $1.5 million to support the KnowHow2GO campaign that encourages more low-income students and their families to take the necessary steps toward post-secondary education.
• Corporation for Enterprise Development, Washington, D.C., $10,000 to support the 2009 National Conference on Children and Youth Savings and to showcase the current impact and potential scale of Children’s Development Accounts – universal savings accounts for children and youth.
• Encouragement Services, Bloomington, Ind., $10,000 to create a plan to integrate Encouragement Services into the Indiana KnowHow2GO and the national college access library.
• Ohio College Access Network, Columbus, Ohio, $80,500 to provide bridge funding to continue Ohio College Access Network’s coordination of KnowHow2GO.
• YMCA of the USA, Chicago, $5.1 million to manage, expand and integrate the College Goal Sunday program into the national YMCA movement.
• Emerging Practitioners in Philanthropy, New York, $10,000 to provide professional development opportunities to young grant makers.
• Foundation Center, New York, $10,000 to support Funding for Education Month programming in June 2009.
• GuideStar, Williamsburg, Va., $10,000 to support a project to provide the new 990 tax forms to nonprofit organizations and to implement the GuideStar Exchange Program.
Staples Foundation
Framingham, Mass.
• Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Sun Coast, Venice, Fla., $10,000 to Decisions to Win, which provides at-risk students with intensive support to ensure they graduate from high school.
• Bottom Line, Jamaica Plain, Mass., $5,000 to College Access, which prepares low-income students to graduate from high school and enter college.
• Center for Summer Learning, Baltimore, $10,000 to National Summer Learning Day, an annual event promoting continued learning throughout the summer.
• Central Florida YMCA, Orlando, $10,000 to Teen Achievers, a college-readiness program that teaches low-income students academic, life and enrichment skills.
• Chapel Hill-Carrboro Public School Foundation, Carrboro, N.C., $10,000 to the Teacher Store, which enables teachers from disadvantaged school systems to obtain school supplies.
• Citizen Schools, Boston, $15,000 to after-school programs that enable middle school students to participate in apprenticeships that involve skill building, teamwork and leadership development.
• Coney Island Preparatory Public Charter School, New York, $10,000 to the Lincoln Center Institute Arts Program, which provides inner-city youth with high quality academic and arts education programming.
• Cradles to Crayons, Quincy, Mass., $10,000 to Ready for School, which ensures that low-income youth are prepared to begin school with the necessary educational supplies.
• Crayons to Computers, Cincinnati, $15,000 to Push for Pencils, an annual back-to-school supply drive that provides teachers with critical basic school supplies.
• Denver Zoological Foundation, Denver, $5,000 to the Red Apple Scholarship Fund, which teaches low-income youth about environmental conservation.
• Family & Children’s Center, South Bend, Ind., $5,000 to Raising a Reader, which helps low-income youth improve literacy skills.
• Franklin Education Foundation, Franklin, Mass., $2,000 to Teacher Grants, which provides Franklin public school teachers with engaging and innovative learning activities for their students.
• Fund for Teachers, Houston, $50,000 to the Teacher Grants program, which allows educators to participate in educational enrichment activities that improve teaching methods and further student learning and engagement.
• Gold Crown Enrichment, Lakewood, Colo., $10,000 to The Art & Technology Enrichment program, which improves low-income youths’ academic performance and interest in school through art and technology classes.
• Jewish Family Services of MetroWest, Framingham, Mass., $10,000 to Reducing Achievement Gaps, which provides at-risk students with positive adult mentors who help improve their academic and personal success.
• Kids in Need Foundation, Dayton, Ohio, $10,000 to Kids in Need Resource Centers, which offer teachers free classroom supplies so disadvantaged students have access to the tools needed to learn.
• The NEA Foundation, Washington, $50,000 to the Green Grants program, which enables teachers to request funds for projects focused on the environment.
• Partners for Youth with Disabilities, Boston, $10,000 to Young Entrepreneurs Project, which works with inner-city Boston public schools to provide career development training to students with and without disabilities.
• Peabody Essex Museum, Salem, Mass., $10,000 to the Community Partnership Program, which engages inner-city youth through educational museum exhibits that inspire creativity and learning.
• Project R.I.S.E., Braintree, Mass., $5,000 to the Respect, Integrity and Success through Education summer program, which increases self-confidence and academic success of inner city youth.
• Reach Out & Read, Beloit, Wis., $2,000 to provide Beloit pediatricians with new books for low-income children and advice for parents about the importance of reading.
• School to Work Council, Paris, Ky., $10,000 to Enterprise for Success, which provides students with practical career mentoring and experience to ensure they find meaningful employment after college.
• Squash Busters, Roxbury, Mass., $10,000 to the Experiential Learning Curriculum, which provides youth with educational experiences and community service projects that motivate them to become more engaged in their academic careers.
• Teach for America, Boston, $15,000 to support the expansion of Teach for America in Greater Boston and provide all children with the opportunity to attain an excellent education.
• Woodruff Arts Center, Atlanta, $5,000 to support educational programs that introduce disadvantaged youth to the arts and increase their understanding of culture and history.
• Youth Outreach Services, Chicago, $10,000 to Operation College Bound, which prepares low-income students to successfully graduate from high school and enter college.