Surdna Foundation
New York, N.Y.
(212) 557-0010
• Artists for Humanity, Boston, $250,000 for a youth arts program.
• Baltimore School for the Arts, $225,000 for pre-professional arts training and college/career preparation.
• Bedford Stuyvesant Restoration Corp., Brooklyn, N.Y., $150,000 for youth dance programs.
• Chicago Youth Symphony Orchestras, Chicago, $300,000 for supporting youth orchestra training programs.
• Cleveland Orchestra, $150,000 for the Cleveland Youth Orchestra.
• Dance Theatre of Harlem, New York, $160,000 for the pre-professional dance program for 12-to 18-year-olds.
• Harbor Conservatory for the Performing Arts, New York, $150,000 for training teens in music, dance and drama, and exposing them to professional artists.
• Mill Street Loft, Poughkeepsie, N.Y., $50,000 for building teens’ skills in the visual arts through long-term experiences with professional teaching artists.
• North Carolina Dance Theatre, Charlotte, N.C., $50,000 for expanding the Pre-Professional Division’s marketing and creating an alumni program.
• Perseverance Theatre, Douglas, Ark., $100,000 for the Next Generation mentorship and development program for high school students.
• Queens Council on the Arts, Woodhaven, N.Y., $120,000 for the High School to Art School training program.
• School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, $75,000 for scholarships in the Pre-College Summer Studio Program.
• Summer Stages Dance at Concord Academy, Concord, Mass., $50,000 for high school student participation in the Summer Stages Dance Annual Workshop.
• University of the Arts, Philadelphia, $75,000 for scholarships, materials and travel costs for economically challenged high school students.
• California Fund for Youth Organizing, Oakland, Calif., $50,000 for a series of meetings to develop a youth policy platform.
• DARE Direct Action for Rights and Equality, Providence, R.I., $75,000 for work to reduce suspensions and remove language barriers in schools, in order to lower dropout rates.
• Desis Rising Up & Moving, Jackson Heights, N.Y., $50,000 for the YouthPower! Program, aimed at equal education for South Asian immigrant youth and creating “Immigrant Safe Zones.”
• Funders’ Collaborative on Youth Organizing, New York, $400,000 for a new plan to improve the youth organization field.
• Make the Road by Walking, Brooklyn, N.Y., $90,000 for ongoing youth organizing work on education reform and a community response to gentrification.
• National Museum of Mexican Art, Chicago, $50,000 for Radio Arte, the only youth-driven U.S. radio station on cultural and community issues.
• Padres Unidos, Denver, $170,000 for the Freedom to Learn Campaign, devoted to removing educational barriers for youth of color and low-income youth.
• Public Interest Projects, New York, $170,000 for the Fund for Education Organizing, working for education equity and excellence in low-income communities of color.
• SouthWest Organizing Project, Albuquerque, N.M., $120,000 for a youth organizing program.
• Urban Youth Collaborative, Providence, R.I., $140,000 for a campaign to expand student voices, improve college access and improve safety in New York City high schools.
• Youth Ministries for Peace and Justice, Bronx, N.Y., $80,000 for the Community Building and Organizing Project for training youth organizers.
• YouthBuild, U.S.A., Somerville, Mass., $150,000 for student engagement programs.
The David and Lucile Packard Foundation
Los Altos, Calif.
(650) 948-7658
• Alliance for a Better Community, Los Angeles, $50,000 for the Preschool for California’s Children program.
• American Academy of Pediatrics, Washington, $119,183 for efforts to bring health insurance to children.
• American Institutes for Research in the Behavioral Sciences, Washington, $250,000 for local planning to expand access to preschool in California.
• Boys & Girls Club of Santa Cruz, Calif., $40,000 for general support.
• California Child Care Resource & Referral Network, San Francisco, $250,000 for programs to extend high-quality preschool in California, and $47,000 for fund development.
• California Children and Families Foundation, El Cerrito, $250,000 to expand preschool and health insurance among children.
• California Head Start Program, Sacramento, $11,800 for tuition support in the Stanford Executive Program for Nonprofit Leaders.
• California School Age Consortium, San Francisco, $225,000 for general support and for after-school work force development.
• Center for Law and Social Policy, Washington, $50,000 for moving funds in California from the No Child Left Behind Act into preschool programs.
• Child Care Law Center, San Francisco, $150,000 for work on early childhood care in California.
• Child Development Policy Institute Education Fund, San Francisco, $125,000 for increasing the number of child care providers who are knowledgeable about universal preschool programs.
• Children’s Health Initiative of San Luis Obispo, Calif., $98,141 for expenses and fees for the Healthy Kids program.
• Columbia University, New York, $50,000 for fund development at the National Center for Children in Poverty.
• Community Action Board of Santa Cruz County, Watsonville, Calif., $50,000 for a teen program.
• Easter Seals Southern Colorado, Colorado Springs, $10,000 for Rocky Mountain summer camp scholarships and camp operations.
• El Pueblo Boys’ & Girls’ Ranch, Pueblo, Colo., $20,000 for the education and summer enrichment program.
• Healthy Kids, Healthy Future, Sacramento, Calif., $11,800 for tuition support in the Stanford Executive Program for Nonprofit Leaders.
• Institute for Educational Leadership, Washington, $11,800 for tuition support in the Stanford Executive Program for Nonprofit Leaders.
• Merced County Office of Education, Merced, Calif., $128,500 to increase local awareness about the impact of high-quality preschool.
• Mercy Foundation, Bakersfield, Calif., $10,000 for a communications strategy for the Kern County Children’s Health Initiative.
• National Initiative for Children’s Healthcare Quality, Cambridge, Mass., $14,962 for an award program recognizing David Bergman’s contribution to pediatrics.
• Northern California Grantmakers, San Francisco, $35,000 for a grant making project that provides out-of-school time summer activities to disadvantaged youth.
• Orange County Asian and Pacific Islander Community Alliance, Garden Grove, Calif., $50,000 for networking activities advocating preschool.
• Public Health Institute, Oakland, Calif., $100,000 for school-based enrollment of uninsured children in California.
• Santa Clara Family Health Foundation, Campbell, Calif., $1 million for subsidies for children in the Santa Clara County Healthy Kids program.
• United Way of Santa Clara, Capitola, Calif., $191,654 to build support for children’s access to health insurance.
• University of California, Berkeley, $201,303 to create a guide for developing California’s early childhood work force competencies.
• FowlerHoffman LLC, San Rafael, Calif., $130,010 for a progress assessment and analysis of the California After-school Master Plan.
W.T. Grant Foundation
New York
(212) 752-0071
Note: All grantees were awarded $25,000.
• Horticultural Society of New York, for a consultant to develop relationships with companies that have many horticulture-related jobs and create expanded placement opportunities for participants.
• Opportunities for a Better Tomorrow, Brooklyn, to partner with the Workforce Professionals Training Institute to develop and implement a uniform curriculum.
• Brooklyn Botanic Garden, to train staff to work with interns on the Garden Apprentice Program.
• Brooklyn Children’s Museum, to recruit more middle school-aged participants in its after-school programs.
• Brooklyn College Community Partnership, for training to improve the quality of the out-of-school-time program staff.
• Dancewave, Brooklyn, to improve its curriculum.
• Free Arts NYC, to improve its programs, including arts and mentoring for at-risk youth.
• Staten Island Children’s Museum, to improve its Constructive Mood Management Program, a conflict resolution and anger management program for elementary school-aged youth.
Lilly Endowment
Indianapolis, Ind.
(317) 924-5471
• Madame Walker Urban Life Center, Indianapolis, $500,000 for general support.
• Indiana Youth Institute, Indianapolis, $5 million for general support.
• Indianapolis Center for Education Entrepreneurship, Indianapolis, $2 million for Teach for America Indianapolis.
• Search Institute, Minneapolis, $50,000 for the 2007 Healthy Communities-Healthy Youth Conference.
• Indiana University Foundation, Bloomington, $852,589 for the Young Scholars in American Religion program.
• Institute for American Values, New York, $225,800 to expand research and teaching on the moral and religious experiences of children of divorce.
Nord Family Foundation
Amherst, Ohio
(800) 745-8946
• Artists for Humanity, Boston, $20,000 for the arts micro-enterprise program for inner-city youth.
• The MAD Factory, Oberlin, Ohio, $55,000 for general support.
• Young Audiences of Greater Cleveland, $30,000 for outreach to the Lorain County Schools.
• Esperanza, Cleveland, $30,000 for after-school programming for the Hispanic community on Cleveland’s west side.
• Urban Ecology Institute, Chestnut Hill, Mass., $20,000 for a program called Building a Science Learning Pathway for Urban Youth into 21st Century Jobs and Community Leadership.
• Big Brothers Big Sisters of Lorain County, Oberlin, Ohio, $30,000 for general support.
• Boys & Girls Clubs of Lorain County, Oberlin, Ohio, $25,000 for a Latino outreach initiative.
• Massachusetts Advocates for Children, Boston, $25,000 for the Trauma and Learning Policy Initiative.
• SafeHouse Denver, $10,000 for its children’s program.
• The Salvation Army of Lorain, Ohio, $25,000 for youth programs.