October is Apparently National Good JJ Conference Month

The Weekly Notes grew absurdly long yesterday, so we’re mentioning these separately today. There are two conferences coming up this fall that merit mention:

The National Symposium on Juvenile Services

“Representing America’s Youth:  Transforming the Field of Juvenile Services”

Date: Oct. 11-14

Location: Indianapolis

Host: The National Partnership for Juvenile Services

Fee: $195 and up.

Contact: Michael Jones at NJDAEKU@aol.com; www.npjs.org/symposium.html.


26th National Law-Related Education (LRE) Leadership Conference

“Building a Better Tomorrow: Youth, Citizenship and Civic Engagement”

Date: Oct. 1-3

Location: Chicago

Host: American Bar Association’s Division for Public Education.

Fee: $200

Contact: Tiffany Willey at willeyt@staff.abanet.org; www.abanet.org/publiced/conference/lre09.shtml.


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