Subject: Child Welfare, Youth in Poverty, Health, Social Services, Rural Youth
Deadline: June 22, 2015
“The RCP-TNGP is a three-year pilot program to support established telehealth networks to develop innovative ways to address the unique health care challenges faced by children living in impoverished rural areas. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) defines poverty as having an income below a federally determined poverty threshold. Recent data from USDA indicates higher poverty rates in rural areas than in urban areas. The rural area(s) to be served will be identified by the applicant, and should be supported by the use of county and sub-county level data to describe the poverty levels in their target area and the unmet needs of children to be served.
For the purposes of this FOA, applicant networks should include human/social service providers to the extent that the provision of those services can be tied directly back to improving the health care status of low-income rural children served via telehealth and distance learning technology. In providing services beyond the clinical setting, applicants will be required to demonstrate how the provision of information and referral for those human/social services through the telehealth network will ultimately benefit the health of children served through this grant funding. The goal of the RCP-TNGP is to demonstrate how telehealth networks can expand access to, coordinate and improve the quality of health care services for children living in impoverished rural areas and in particular how such networks can be enhanced through the integration of social and human service organizations.”
Funder: Health Resources and Services Administration
Eligibility: “Eligible applicants include rural or urban nonprofit entities that will provide services through a telehealth network. Each entity participating in the networks may be a nonprofit or for-profit entity. Faith-based, community-based organizations and tribal organizations are eligible to apply. Services must be provided to rural areas, although the applicant can be located in an urban area.”
Amount: Unspecified
Contact: Link.