
Community food and shelter access expansion project grants

OUR GRANT OPPORTUNITIES: Youth Today’s grant listings are carefully curated for our subscribers working in youth-related industries. Subscribers will find local, state, regional and national grant opportunities.

THIS GRANT’S FOCUS: Food Access, Affordable Housing, Community Projects
July 31, 2024

“Kentucky Fried Wishes is a quarterly grant opportunity through the KFC Foundation. Non-profit organizations can apply for a $10,000 Kentucky Fried Wishes grant to fund an actionable project on their wish list. Grants must meet the following criteria: (1) Can be completed with a $10,000 budget, and (2) Can be completed within a 6-12 month period. For the current grant cycle, we’re looking for projects that expand access to food and shelter. Examples of possible projects include:

  • Food pantry remodel or expansion
  • Community garden creation
  • Building repairs and renovations
  • Beautification of community space.”

Funder: The KFC Foundation
“Any recognized 501(c)3 non-profit organization, governmental entity or other IRS recognized charitable organization that have maintained good standing with the Internal Revenue Service for at least two years. The non-profit must be based in the United States and serve individuals in the United States. Eligible non-profit organizations must operate on the local level (or be an affiliate/chapter of a larger organization that operates locally) and directly benefit their surrounding community.”
Amount: $10,000
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