
Juvenile drug treatment court program grants

OUR GRANT OPPORTUNITIES: Youth Today’s grant listings are carefully curated for our subscribers working in youth-related industries. Subscribers will find local, state, regional and national grant opportunities.

THIS GRANT’S FOCUS: Juvenile Justice, Youth Welfare, Substance/Drug Abuse, Mental Health, Trauma
May 14, 2024

“With this solicitation, OJJDP seeks to build the capacity of states, state and local courts, units of local government, and federally recognized Tribal governments to implement new and innovative approaches to enhance existing juvenile drug treatment courts (JDTC) and improve outcomes for youth with substance use or co-occurring mental health disorders, including histories of trauma.

Category 1: Juvenile Drug Treatment Court Planning and Implementation Program
The goal of this category is to support jurisdictions that identified a need to establish a JDTC. The objective is to support new JDTCs in providing treatment and accountability to youth with substance use and co-occurring mental health disorders by offering access to treatment and recovery services that ensure equal access to services that will ultimately enhance public safety and promote positive outcomes for youth.

Category 2: Juvenile Drug Treatment Court Enhancement Program
The goal of this category is to enhance and expand existing JDTCs to be responsive to the evidence-based Juvenile Drug Treatment Court Guidelines. Successful applicants will be expected to provide a coordinated, multisystem approach designed to combine the judicial oversight authority of JDTCs with effective substance use disorder treatment services to reduce recidivism and substance use. The objectives of this program are to improve access and availability of adolescent (and family when appropriate) substance use disorder treatment services to a larger number of clients, increase equal access to and retention within the treatment court program, increase the number of individuals served, and/or propose enhancements to improve the quality of treatment services by adding workforce development strategies, evidence-based treatment approaches, or new treatment services to address unmet or emerging trends.”

Funder: Office of Juvenile Justice Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP)
City or township governments, county governments, state governments, Native American tribal organizations, Native American tribal governments (Federally recognized), others.
Up to $1,000,000
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