
Long-term foster care for unaccompanied migrant children program grants

OUR GRANT OPPORTUNITIES: Youth Today’s grant listings are carefully curated for our subscribers working in youth-related industries. Subscribers will find local, state, regional and national grant opportunities.

THIS GRANT’S FOCUS: Immigrant Children/Youth, Unaccompanied Children, Foster Care, Child/Youth Welfare
Nov. 29, 2022

“The Office of Refugee Resettlement/Division of Unaccompanied Children’s Operations (ORR/DUCO), within the Administration for Children and Families, provides temporary shelter care and other child welfare-related services to unaccompanied children (UC) in ORR custody. Residential care services begin once ORR accepts a UC for placement and end when the minor is released from ORR custody, turns 18 years of age, or the minor’s immigration case results in a final disposition of removal from the United States.  Residential care and other child welfare-related services are provided by state-licensed residential care programs in the least restrictive setting appropriate for the UC’s age and special needs.

ORR is announcing the availability of funds under this Standing Notice of Funding Opportunity (SNOFO) to seek long-term foster care (LTFC) providers. For the purposes of this SNOFO, the term “care provider” refers to the prime recipient and if applicable, its subrecipient(s). LTFC providers, or care providers, are required to be licensed (child placement license and any other required license according to state regulations) in the state in which they are located to provide foster care services and are required to meet the needs of UC by providing quality care in a community setting. UC who may qualify for placement in LTFC include the following: minors between the ages of 0-17 years of age, sibling groups, pregnant/parenting teens, and/or minors who are especially vulnerable or with other special needs.”

Funder: Administration for Children and Families
“Eligibility is unrestricted.  Care providers are required to be licensed (child placement license and any other required license according to state regulations) by a state licensing agency to provide residential, group, or foster care services for dependent children. Documentation of current state licensure to provide group or foster care services for children is required to be submitted with the application.”
$500,000 – $12,000,000

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