
Teen driver education and safety program grants

OUR GRANT OPPORTUNITIES: Youth Today’s grant listings are carefully curated for our subscribers working in youth-related industries. Subscribers will find local, state, regional and national grant opportunities.

THIS GRANT’S FOCUS: Youth Safety, Teen/Youth Driving, Education, Training, Health
Nov. 30, 2021

“With nearly one-third of annual traffic fatalities in the U.S. involving drivers under the age of 25, Honda is building on its “Safety For Everyone” approach with several new initiatives targeting young driver safety.

Honda Traffic Safety Award:
Awards will be given to programs that promote teen driver safety and education from pre-permit to postlicense through education, training and resources that supplement traditional driver’s training courses or mandated state driver’s programs. Applications may include but are not limited to in-person or virtual trainings for teens, programs that engage parents and guardians and focus on developing skills and habits of teen drivers, and programs for teens that address the areas of driving hazard identification, awareness, mitigation and resolution.

The Honda USA Foundation Traffic Safety Award:
Awards will be given to programs that ensure youth feel safe on and off the road through awareness programs that promote bicycle, automobile, motorsports, and/or pedestrian safety. Applications should include traffic safety programs for youth (ages 0 through pre-driver’s permit), such as providing child restraint systems, bike helmets, and/or awareness programs that promote bike, motorsports, car and/or pedestrian safety.”

Funder: Honda and the Honda USA Foundation
Nonprofit 501(c)(3) organizations, public school districts, private/public elementary and secondary schools.
$25,000 – $100,000

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