
Boston arts and culture organization reopening and support grants

OUR GRANT OPPORTUNITIES: Youth Today’s grant listings are carefully curated for our subscribers working in youth-related industries. Subscribers will find local, state, regional and national grant opportunities.

THIS GRANT’S FOCUS: COVID19, Arts/Culture, Arts Education, Music Education, Creative Youth Development, Boston
Oct. 15, 2021

“The Reopen Creative Boston Fund is a $3 million grant program to cover expenses related to: (1) reopening the arts and culture sector, and (2) resuming cultural programming and services.

Arts and cultural organizations of any budget size that can demonstrate that they have been negatively impacted economically by COVID-19 are eligible. These include: (1) performing arts facilities; (2) music venues; (3) creative youth development organizations, and (4) presenting organizations.

The City of Boston will award grants of up to $50,000 to cover costs for reopening and restarting programs, including: payroll, new technology, consulting services, and new technology costs.”

Funder: The City of Boston
“Arts and cultural organizations of any budget size that can demonstrate that they have been negatively economically impacted by COVID-19, such as: performing arts facilities, music venues, creative youth development organizations, and presenting organizations.”
Up to $50,000

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>>> CLICK HERE to see all of Youth Today’s COVID-19 GRANT LISTINGS

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