OUR GRANT OPPORTUNITIES: Youth Today’s grant listings are carefully curated for our subscribers working in youth-related industries. Subscribers will find local, state, regional and national grant opportunities.
THIS GRANT’S FOCUS: Outdoor Activity, Health, Child/Youth Welfare, Family, Community, Environment
Deadline: Apr. 6, 2020
“The Spring 2020 Opening the Outdoors Program grant cycle will support efforts to provide opportunities for youth and families in the San Diego region to grow, connect and thrive through positive interactions with the outdoors… The Opening the Outdoors Program was established to create safe, accessible outdoor space for all San Diegans. The Foundation has since worked together with our nonprofit partners to increase community-driven efforts to enhance accessible outdoor space in park-poor communities, and encourage youth to learn more through hands-on education and create the next generation of environmental stewards in the San Diego region.
Strategies to achieve this goal include both system and individual change components. For example:
- System change: Public/private funding to help increase outdoor engagement and access to San Diego’s parks and open spaces.
- Individual change: Provide and track repeat engagement for youth and families in communities of concern to safely access and engage with the outdoors through physical and educational activities.
The Foundation will support projects that clearly contribute to system and/or individual change resulting in opportunities for youth and families in the San Diego region to grow, connect and thrive through positive interactions with the outdoors.”
Funder: The San Diego Foundation
Eligibility: “Each proposal must be led by a nonprofit with 501(c)(3) public charity status, located in and serving San Diego County communities. A 501(c)(3) public charity may serve as a fiscal sponsor for another applicant to administer the grant and provide regular financial reporting to The Foundation.”
Amount: $25,000+
Contact: Link.
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