OUR GRANT OPPORTUNITIES: Youth Today’s grant listings are carefully curated for our subscribers working in youth-related industries. Subscribers will find local, regional, state and national grant opportunities.
THIS GRANT’S FOCUS: Community, Race/Ethnicity, Child/Youth Welfare, Refugee Children/Youth
Deadline: May 1, 2020 (estimated)
“The goal of this program is to support Ethnic Community-Based Organizations (ECBOs) in providing refugee populations with critical services to assist them in becoming integrated members of American society. Under the Ethnic Community Self-Help (ECSH) Program, the following three main objectives must be implemented: 1) to strengthen ECBOs’ provision of culturally and linguistically appropriate services to refugees within five years after their initial resettlement; 2) to support ECBOs’ organizational development and engagement in capacity building by encouraging their collaboration with established refugee service providers and mainstream organizations; and 3) to support ECBOs in promoting community building and civic participation by refugee individuals and refugee community members.”
NOTE: This is a forecasted grant opportunity. Application period is not yet open.
Funder: Administration for Children and Families
Eligibility: Nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, nonprofits that do not have a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, private institutions of higher education, public and state controlled institutions of higher education, city or township governments, county governments, state governments, special district governments, independent school districts, Native American tribal organizations, Native American tribal governments (Federally recognized), others.
Amount: $100,000 – $200,000
Contact: Link.
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